Each railroad shall maintain either the Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record (Form FRA F 6180.98) or an alternative railroad-designed record as described in paragraph (b) of this section of all reportable and accountable injuries and illnesses of its employees that arise from the operation of the railroad for each railroad establishment where such employees report to work, including, but not limited to, an operating division, general office, and major installation such as a locomotive or car repair or construction facility.
The alternative railroad-designed record may be used in lieu of the Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record (Form FRA F 6180.98) described in paragraph (a) of this section. Any such alternative record shall contain all of the information required on the Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record. Although this information may be displayed in a different order from that on the Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record, the order of the information shall be consistent from one such record to another such record. The order chosen by the railroad shall be consistent for each of the railroad”s reporting establishments. Railroads may list additional information on the alternative record beyond the information required on the Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record. The alternative record shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
Case/incident number;
Full name of railroad employee;
Date of birth of railroad employee;
Gender of railroad employee;
Employee identification number or, in the alternative, Social Security Number of railroad employee;
Date the railroad employee was hired;
Home address of railroad employee; include the street address, city, State, ZIP code, and home telephone number with area code;
Name of facility where railroad employee normally reports to work;
Address of facility where railroad employee normally reports to work; include the street address, city, State, and ZIP code;
Job title of railroad employee;
Department assigned;
Specific site where accident/incident/exposure occurred; include the city, county, State, and ZIP code;
Date and time of occurrence; military time or AM/PM;
Time employee's shift began; military time or AM/PM;
Whether employee was on premises when injury, illness, or condition occurred;
Whether employee was on or off duty;
Date and time when employee notified company personnel of condition; military time or AM/PM;
Name and title of railroad official notified;
Description of the general activity this employee was engaged in prior to the injury/illness/condition;
Description of all factors associated with the case that are pertinent to an understanding of how it occurred. Include a discussion of the sequence of events leading up to it; and the tools, machinery, processes, material, environmental conditions, etc., involved;
Description, in detail, of the injury/illness/condition that the employee sustained, including the body parts affected. If a recurrence, list the date of the last occurrence;
Identification of all persons and organizations used to evaluate or treat the condition, or both. Include the facility, provider and complete address;
Description of all procedures, medications, therapy, etc., used or recommended for the treatment of the condition.
Extent and outcome of injury or illness to show the following as applicable:
Fatality—enter date of death;
Restricted work; number of days; beginning date;
Occupational illness; date of initial diagnosis;
Instructions to obtain prescription medication, or receipt of prescription medication;
If one or more days away from work, provide the number of days away and the beginning date;
Medical treatment beyond “first aid”;
Hospitalization for treatment as an inpatient;
Multiple treatments or therapy sessions;
Loss of consciousness;
Transfer to another job or termination of employment;
Significant injury or illness of a railroad employee;
Needlestick or sharps injury to a railroad employee, medical removal of a railroad employee, occupational hearing loss of a railroad employee, occupational tuberculosis of a railroad employee, or musculoskeletal disorder of a railroad employee which musculoskeletal disorder is reportable under one or more of the general reporting criteria.
Each railroad shall indicate if the Railroad Injury and Illness Summary (Continuation Sheet) (FRA Form F 6180.55a) has been filed with FRA for the injury or illness. If FRA Form F 6180.55a was not filed with FRA, then the railroad shall provide an explanation of the basis for its decision.
The reporting railroad shall indicate if the injured or ill railroad employee was provided an opportunity to review his or her file; and
The reporting railroad shall identify the preparer's name; title; telephone number with area code; and the date the log entry was completed.
Each railroad shall provide the employee, upon request, a copy of either the completed Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record (Form FRA F 6180.98) or the alternative railroad-designed record as described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section as well as a copy of forms or reports required to be maintained or filed under this part pertaining to that employee's own work-related injury or illness.
Each railroad shall maintain the Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record (Form FRA F 6180.97) or an alternative railroad-designed record as described in paragraph (e) of this section of reportable and accountable collisions, derailments, fires, explosions, acts of God, or other events involving the operation of railroad on-track equipment, signals, track, or track equipment (standing or moving) that result in damages to railroad on-track equipment, signals, tracks, track structures, or roadbed, including labor costs and all other costs for repairs or replacement in kind for each railroad establishment where workers report to work, including, but not limited to, an operating division, general office, and major installation such as a locomotive or car repair or construction facility.
The alternative railroad-designed record may be used in lieu of the Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record (Form FRA F 6180.97). Any such alternative record shall contain all of the information required on the Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record. Although this information may be displayed in a different order from that on the Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record, the order of the information shall be consistent from one such record to another such record. The order chosen by the railroad shall be consistent for each of the railroad's reporting establishments. Railroads may list additional information in the alternative record beyond the information required on the Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record. The alternative record shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
Date and time of accident;
Reporting railroad, and accident/incident number;
Other railroad, if applicable, and other railroad's accident/incident number;
Railroad responsible for track maintenance, and that railroad's incident number;
Type of accident/incident (derailment, collision, etc.);
Number of cars carrying hazardous materials that derailed or were damaged; and number of cars carrying hazardous materials that released product;
County and nearest city or town;
Milepost (to the nearest tenth);
Speed (indicate if actual or estimate);
Train number or job number;
Type of equipment (freight, passenger, yard switching, etc.);
Type of track (main, yard, siding, industry);
Total number of locomotives in train;
Total number of locomotives that derailed;
Total number of cars in train;
Total number of cars that derailed;
Total amount of damage in dollars to equipment based on computations as described in the “FRA Guide for Preparing Accidents/Incidents Reports”;
Total amount of damage in dollars to track, signal, way and structures based on computations as described in the “FRA Guide for Preparing Accidents/Incidents Reports”;
Persons injured, persons killed, and employees with an occupational illness, broken down into the following classifications: worker on duty—employee; employee not on duty; passenger on train; nontrespasser—on railroad property; trespasser; worker on duty—contractor; contractor—other; worker on duty—volunteer; volunteer—other; and nontrespasser-off railroad property;
Narrative description of the accident;
Whether the accident/incident was reported to FRA;
Preparer's name, title, telephone number with area code, and signature; and
Date the report was completed.
Each railroad shall enter each reportable and accountable injury and illness and each reportable and accountable rail equipment accident/incident on the appropriate record, as required by paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section, as early as practicable but no later than seven working days after receiving information or acquiring knowledge that an injury or illness or rail equipment accident/incident has occurred.
The records required under paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section may be maintained at the local establishment or, alternatively, at a centralized location. If the records are maintained at a centralized location, but not through electronic means, then a paper copy of the records that is current within 35 days of the month to which it applies shall be available for that establishment. If the records are maintained at a centralized location through electronic means, then the records for that establishment shall be available for review in a hard copy format within four business hours of FRA's request. FRA recognizes that circumstances outside the railroad's control may preclude it from fulfilling the four-business-hour time limit. In these circumstances, FRA will not assess a monetary penalty against the railroad for its failure to provide the requested documentation provided the railroad made a reasonable effort to correct the problem.
Except as provided in paragraph (h)(15) of this section, a listing of all injuries and occupational illnesses reported to FRA as having occurred at an establishment shall be posted in a conspicuous location at that establishment, within 30 days after the expiration of the month during which the injuries and illnesses occurred, if the establishment has been in continual operation for a minimum of 90 calendar days. If the establishment has not been in continual operation for a minimum of 90 calendar days, the listing of all injuries and occupational illnesses reported to FRA as having occurred at the establishment shall be posted, within 30 days after the expiration of the month during which the injuries and illnesses occurred, in a conspicuous location at the next higher organizational level establishment, such as one of the following: an operating division headquarters; a major classification yard or terminal headquarters; a major equipment maintenance or repair installation, e.g., a locomotive or rail car repair or construction facility; a railroad signal and maintenance-of-way division headquarters; or a central location where track or signal maintenance employees are assigned as a headquarters or receive work assignments. These examples include facilities that are generally major facilities of a permanent nature where the railroad generally posts or disseminates company informational notices and policies, e.g., the policy statement in the internal control plan required by § 225.33 concerning harassment and intimidation. At a minimum, “establishment” posting is required and shall include locations where a railroad reasonably expects its employees to report during a 12-month period and to have the opportunity to observe the posted list containing any reportable injuries or illnesses they have suffered during the applicable period. This listing shall be posted and shall remain continuously displayed for the next twelve consecutive months. Incidents reported for employees at that establishment shall be displayed in date sequence. The listing shall contain, at a minimum, the information specified in paragraphs (h)(1) through (14) of this section.
Name and address of the establishment;
Calendar year of the cases being displayed;
Incident number used to report case;
Date of the injury or illness;
Location of incident;
Regular job title of employee injured or ill;
Description of the injury or condition;
Number of days employee absent from work at time of posting;
Number of days of work restriction for employee at time of posting;
If fatality—enter date of death;
Annual average number of railroad employees reporting to this establishment;
Preparer's name, title, telephone number with area code, and signature (or, in lieu of signing each establishment's list of reportable injuries and illnesses, the railroad's preparer of this monthly list may sign a cover sheet or memorandum which contains a list of each railroad establishment for which a monthly list of reportable injuries and illnesses has been prepared. This cover memorandum shall be signed by the preparer and shall have attached to it a duplicate copy of each establishment's list of monthly reportable injuries and illnesses. The preparer of the monthly lists of reportable injuries and illnesses shall mail or send by facsimile each establishment's list to the establishment in the time frame prescribed in paragraph (h) of this section.); and
Date the record was completed.
When there are no reportable injuries or occupational illnesses associated with an establishment for that month, the listing shall make reference to this fact.
The railroad is permitted not to post information on an occupational injury or illness that is a privacy concern case.
(i) Claimed Occupational Illnesses.
Each railroad shall maintain either the Form FRA F 6180.107, to the extent that the information is reasonably available, or an alternate railroad-designed record containing the same information as called for on the Form FRA F 6180.107, to the extent that the information is reasonably available, for each illness claimed to be work-related—
For which there is insufficient information to determine whether the illness is work-related;
For which the railroad has made a preliminary determination that the illness is not work-related; or
For which the railroad has made a final determination that the illness is not work-related.
For any case determined to be reportable, the designation “illness claimed to be work-related” shall be removed, and the record shall be transferred to the reporting officer for retention and reporting in the normal manner.
In the event the narrative block (similar to Form FRA F 6180.98, block 39) indicates that the case is not reportable, the explanation contained on that block shall record the reasons the railroad determined that the case is not reportable, making reference to the most authoritative information relied upon.
In the event the railroad must amend the record with new or additional information, the railroad shall have up until December 1 of the next calendar year for reporting accidents/incidents to make the update.
Although the Alternative Record for Illnesses Claimed to be Work-Related (or the alternate railroad-designed form) may not include all supporting documentation, such as medical records, the alternative record shall note the custodian of those documents and where the supporting documents are located so that they are readily accessible to FRA upon request.
[61 FR 30970, June 18, 1996, as amended at 61 FR 59371, Nov. 22, 1996; 61 FR 67491, Dec. 23, 1996; 68 FR 10139, Mar. 3, 2003]