The following forms and copies of the FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports may be obtained from the Office of Safety, FRA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Washington, DC 20590.
(a) Form FRA F 6180.54—Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report.
Form FRA F 6180.54 shall be used to report each reportable rail equipment accident/incident which occurred during the preceding month.
(b) Form FRA F 6180.55—Railroad Injury and Illness Summary.
Form FRA F 6180.55 must be filed each month, even though no reportable accident/incident occurred during the month covered. Each report must include an oath or verification, made by the proper officer of the reporting railroad, as provided for attestation on the form. If no reportable accident/incident occurred during the month, that fact must be stated on this form. All railroads subject to this part, shall show on this form the total number of freight train miles, passenger train miles, yard switching train miles, and other train miles run during the month.
(c) Form FRA 6180.55a—Railroad Injury and Illness (Continuation Sheet).
Form FRA 6180.55a shall be used to report all reportable fatalities, injuries and occupational illnesses that occurred during the preceding month.
(d) Form FRA 6180.56—Annual Railroad Report of Manhours by State.
Form FRA 6180.56 shall be submitted as part of the monthly Railroad Injury and Illness Summary (Form FRA F 6180.55) for the month of December of each year.
(e) Form FRA F 6180.57—Highway-Rail Grade Crossing Accident/Incident Report.
Form FRA F 6180.57 shall be used to report each highway-rail grade crossing accident/incident which occurred during the preceding month.
(f) Form FRA F 6180.81—Employee Human Factor Attachment.
Form FRA F 6180.81 shall be used by railroads, as a supplement to the Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report (Form FRA F 6180.54), in reporting rail equipment accidents/incidents that they attribute to an employee human factor. This form shall be completed in accordance with instructions printed on the form and in the current “FRA Guide for Preparing Accident/Incident Reports.” The form shall be attached to the Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report and shall be submitted within 30 days after expiration of the month in which the accident/incident occurred.
(g) Form FRA F 6180.78—Notice to Railroad Employee Involved in Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Attributed to Employee Human Factor; Employee Statement Supplementing Railroad Accident Report.
When a railroad alleges, in the Employee Human Factor Attachment to a Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report, that the act, omission, or physical condition of a specific employee was a primary or contributing cause of the rail equipment accident/incident, the railroad shall complete part I of Form FRA F 6180.78 to notify each such employee identified that the railroad has made such allegation and that the employee has the right to submit a statement to FRA. The railroad shall then submit the entire form, parts I and II, to the employee. The Employee Statement Supplementing Railroad Accident Report (Employee Supplement) is completely at the option of the employee; however, if the employee desires to make a statement about the accident that will become part of the railroad's Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Report, the employee shall complete the Employee Supplement form (part II of Form FRA F 6180.78) and shall then submit the original of the entire form, parts I and II, and any attachments, to FRA and submit a copy of the same to the railroad that issued the Notice in part I.
(h) Form FRA F 6180.98—Railroad Employee Injury and/or Illness Record.
Form FRA F 6180.98 or an alternative railroad-designed record shall be used by the railroads to record all reportable and accountable injuries and illnesses to railroad employees for each establishment. This record shall be completed and maintained in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 225.25.
(i) Form FRA F 6180.97—Initial Rail Equipment Accident/Incident Record.
Form FRA F 6180.97 or an alternative railroad-designed record shall be used by the railroads to record all reportable and accountable rail equipment accidents/incidents for each establishment. This record shall be completed and maintained in accordance with the requirements set forth in § 225.25.
Form FRA 6180.107—Alternative Record for Illnesses Claimed To Be Work-Related. (1) Form FRA F 6180.107 shall be used by a railroad to record each illness claimed to be work-related that is reported to the railroad—
For which there is insufficient information to determine whether the illness is work-related;
For which the railroad has made a preliminary determination that the illness is not work-related; or
For which the railroad has made a final determination that the illness is not work-related.
For any case determined to be reportable, the designation “illness claimed to be work-related” shall be removed, and the record shall be transferred to the reporting officer for retention and reporting in the normal manner.
In the event the narrative block (similar to Form FRA F 6180.98, block 39) indicates that the case is not reportable, the explanation contained on that block shall record the reasons the railroad determined that the case is not reportable, making reference to the most authoritative information relied upon.
Although the Form FRA F 6180.107 may not include all supporting documentation, such as medical records, the Form FRA F 6180.107 shall note the name, title, and address of the custodian of those documents and where the supporting documents are located so that they are readily accessible to FRA upon request.
[39 FR 43224, Dec. 11, 1974, as amended at 42 FR 1221, Jan. 6, 1977; 49 FR 48939, Dec. 17, 1984; 55 FR 37828, Sept. 13, 1990; 61 FR 30969, 30973, June 18, 1996; 68 FR 10138, Mar. 3, 2003]