(a) Submission.
Each railroad must submit for FRA approval a random testing program meeting the requirements of this subpart. A railroad commencing operations must submit such a program not later than 30 days prior to such commencement. The program must be submitted to the Associate Administrator for Safety, FRA, for review and approval by the FRA Administrator. If, after approval, a railroad desires to amend the random testing program implemented under this subpart, the railroad must file with FRA a notice of such amendment at least 30 days prior to the intended effective date of such action. A railroad already subject to this subpart that becomes subject to this subpart with respect to one or more additional employees must amend its program not later than 60 days after these employees become subject to this subpart and file with FRA a notice of such amendment at least 30 days prior to the intended effective date of such action. A program responsive to the requirements of this section or any amendment to the program may not be implemented prior to approval.
(b) Form of programs.
Random testing programs submitted by or on behalf of each railroad under this subpart must meet the following criteria, and the railroad and its managers, supervisors, officials and other employees and agents must conform to such criteria in implementing the program:
Selection of covered employees for testing must be made by a method employing objective, neutral criteria which ensure that every covered employee has a substantially equal statistical chance of being selected within a specified time frame. The method may not permit subjective factors to play a role in selection, i.e., no employee may be selected as the result of the exercise of discretion by the railroad. The selection method must be capable of verification with respect to the randomness of the selection process, and any records necessary to document random selection must be retained for not less than 24 months from the date upon which the particular specimens were collected.
The program must select for testing a sufficient number of employees so that, during the first 12 months—
The random testing program is spread reasonably through the 12-month period.
To calculate the total number of covered employees eligible for random testing throughout the year, as a railroad, you must add the total number of covered employees eligible for testing during each random testing period for the year and divide that total by the number of random testing periods. Covered employees, and only covered employees, are to be in a railroad's random testing pool, and all covered employees must be in the random pool. If you are a railroad conducting random testing more often than once per month (e.g., you select daily, weekly, bi-weekly), you do not need to compute this total number of covered employees rate more than on a once per month basis.
As a railroad, you may use a service agent (e.g., C/TPA) to perform random selections for you, and your covered employees may be part of a larger random testing pool of covered employees. However, you must ensure that the service agent you use is testing at the appropriate percentage established for your industry and that only covered employees are in the random testing pool.
Railroad random testing programs must ensure to the maximum extent practicable that each employee perceives the possibility that a random test may be required on any day the employee reports for work.
Notice of an employee's selection may not be provided until the duty tour in which testing is to be conducted, and then only so far in advance as is reasonably necessary to ensure the employee's presence at the time and place set for testing.
The program must include testing procedures and safeguards, and procedures for action based on positive test results, consistent with this part.
An employee must be subject to testing only while on duty. Only employees who perform covered service for the railroad are subject to testing under this part. In the case of employees who during some duty tours perform covered service and during others do not, the railroad program must specify the extent to which, and the circumstances under which they are to be subject to testing. To the extent practical within the limitations of this part and in the context of the railroad's operations, the railroad program must provide that employees are subject to the possibility of random testing on any day they actually perform covered service.
Each time an employee is notified for random drug testing the employee will be informed that selection was made on a random basis.
(c) Approval.
The Associate Administrator for Safety, FRA, will notify the railroad in writing whether the program is approved as consistent with the criteria set forth in this part. If the Associate Administrator for Safety determines that the program does not conform to those criteria, the Associate Administrator for Safety will inform the railroad of any matters preventing approval of the program, with specific explanation as to necessary revisions. The railroad must resubmit its program with the required revisions within 30 days of such notice. Failure to resubmit the program with the necessary revisions will be considered a failure to implement a program under this subpart.
(d) Implementation.
No later than 45 days prior to commencement of random testing, the railroad must publish to each of its covered employees, individually, a written notice that he or she will be subject to random drug testing under this part. Such notice must state the date for commencement of the program, must state that the selection of employees for testing will be on a strictly random basis, must describe the consequences of a determination that the employee has violated § 219.102 or any applicable railroad rule, and must inform the employee of the employee's rights under subpart E of this part. A copy of the notice must be provided to each new covered employee on or before the employee's initial date of service. Since knowledge of Federal law is presumed, nothing in this paragraph (d)(1) creates a defense to a violation of § 219.102.
A railroad commencing operations must submit a random testing program 60 days after doing so. The railroad must implement its approved random testing program not later than the expiration of 60 days from approval by the Administrator.
[66 FR 41973, Aug. 9, 2001, as amended at 68 FR 75463, Dec. 31, 2003]