The maximum crosslevel on the outside rail of a curve may not be more than 7 inches. The outside rail of a curve may not be more than 1/2 inch lower than the inside rail.
The maximum allowable operating speed for each curve is determined by the following formula:
Code of Federal Regulations
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Appendix A includes tables showing maximum allowable operating speeds computed in accordance with this formula for various elevations and degrees of curvature for track speeds greater than 90 m.p.h.
For rolling stock meeting the requirements specified in paragraph (d) of this section, the maximum operating speed for each curve may be determined by the following formula:
Code of Federal Regulations
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Qualified equipment may be operated at curving speeds determined by the formula in paragraph (c) of this section, provided each specific class of equipment is approved for operation by the Federal Railroad Administration and the railroad demonstrates that—
When positioned on a track with uniform superelevation, Ea, reflecting the intended target cant deficiency, Eu, no wheel of the equipment unloads to a value of 60 percent or less of its static value on perfectly level track and, for passenger-carrying equipment, the roll angle between the floor of the vehicle and the horizontal does not exceed 5.7 degrees.
When positioned on a track with a uniform 7-inch superelevation, no wheel unloads to a value less than 60% of its static value on perfectly level track and, for passenger-carrying equipment, the angle, measured about the roll axis, between the floor of the vehicle and the horizontal does not exceed 8.6 degrees.
The track owner shall notify the Federal Railroad Administrator no less than thirty calendar days prior to any proposed implementation of the higher curving speeds allowed when the “Eu ” term, above, will exceed three inches. This notification shall be in writing and shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
A complete description of the class of equipment involved, including schematic diagrams of the suspension system and the location of the center of gravity above top of rail;
A complete description of the test procedure 6 and instrumentation used to qualify the equipment and the maximum values for wheel unloading and roll angles which were observed during testing;
Code of Federal Regulations
6 The test procedure may be conducted in a test facility whereby all wheels on one side (right or left) of the equipment are raised or lowered by six and then seven inches, the vertical wheel loads under each wheel are measured and a level is used to record the angle through which the floor of the vehicle has been rotated.
Procedures or standards in effect which relate to the maintenance of the suspension system for the particular class of equipment;
Identification of line segment on which the higher curving speeds are proposed to be implemented.
A track owner, or an operator of a passenger or commuter service, who provides passenger or commuter service over trackage of more than one track owner with the same class of equipment, may provide written notification to the Federal Railroad Administrator with the written consent of the other affected track owners.
[63 FR 34029, June 22, 1998; 63 FR 46102, Aug. 28, 1998]