No person may represent, mark, certify, sell, or offer a packaging or container as meeting the requirements of this part, or a special permit pertaining to this part issued under subchapter A of this chapter, whether or not the packaging or container is intended to be used for the transportation of a hazardous material, unless it is marked, maintained, reconditioned, repaired, or retested, as appropriate, in accordance with this part, an approval issued thereunder, or a special permit issued under subchapter A of this chapter.
The representations, markings, and certifications subject to the prohibitions of paragraph (a) of this section include:
Identifications that include the letters “DOT”, “MC”, “ICC”, or “UN”;
Special permit, approval, and registration numbers that include the letters “DOT”;
Test dates displayed in association with specification, registration, approval, or exemption markings indicating conformance to a test or retest requirement of this subchapter, an approval issued thereunder, or a special permit issued under subchapter A of this chapter;
Documents indicating conformance to the testing, inspection, maintenance or other continuing qualification requirements of this part; and
Sales literature, including advertising, indicating that the packaging or container represented therein conforms to requirements contained in subchapter A or C of this chapter.
[Amdt. 180-2, 54 FR 25032, June 12, 1989, as amended by Amdt. 180-3, 58 FR 33306, June 16, 1993; 70 FR 73166, Dec. 9, 2005]