Interval (years) | UN pressure receptacles/hazardous materials |
10 | Pressure receptacles for all hazardous materials except as noted below (also for dissolved acetylene, see paragraph (d)(3) of this section): |
5 | Composite pressure receptacles. |
5 | Pressure receptacles used for:All Division 2.3 materials. UN1013, Carbon dioxide. |
UN1043, Fertilizer ammoniating solution with free ammonia.UN1051, Hydrogen cyanide, stabilized containing less than 3% water. UN1052, Hydrogen fluoride, anhydrous. UN1745, Bromine pentafluoride. | |
Code of Federal Regulations
UN1746, Bromine trifluoride.UN2073, Ammonia solution. UN2495, Iodine pentafluoride. UN2983, Ethylene Oxide and Propylene oxide mixture, not more than 30% ethylene oxide. |