Each package of Class 2 (compressed gas) material being transported by vessel must be prevented from making direct contact with the vessel's deck, side, or bulwark by dunnage, shoring, or other effective means.
When cylinders of Class 2 (compressed gas) materials being transported by vessel are stowed in a horizontal position, each tier must be stowed in the cantlines of the tier below it, and the valves on cylinders in adjacent tiers must be at alternate ends of the stow. Each tier may be stepped back and the ends alternated in order to clear the flange. Lashing must be provided to prevent any shifting.
When cylinders of Class 2 (compressed gas) materials being transported by vessel are stowed in a vertical position they must be stowed upright in a block and cribbed or boxed in with suitable dunnage. The box or crib must be dunnaged at least 10 cm (3.9 inches) off any metal deck. The cylinders in the box or crib must be braced to prevent any shifting. The box or crib must be securely chocked and lashed to prevent any shifting.
Any package containing Division 2.3 (poison gas) materials must be stowed separate from all foodstuffs.
Class 2 (compressed gas) materials may not be stowed “on deck” over a hold or compartment containing coal.
Class 2 (compressed gas) material must be kept as cool as practicable and be stowed away from all sources of heat and ignition. Any package containing a Division 2.1 (flammable gas) material is restricted from transport in powered refrigerated temperature controlled containers, unless the equipment is capable of preventing ignition of flammable vapors by having non-sparking or explosion-proof electric fittings within the cooling compartment.
[Amdt. 176-30, 55 FR 52704, Dec. 21, 1990 , as amended at 68 FR 61942, Oct. 30, 2003; 74 FR 16143, Apr. 9, 2009]