176.130—Magazine stowage Type A.
In addition to protecting the Class 1 (explosive) materials and preventing unauthorized access, magazine stowage type A guards against friction between any spilled contents of packages and the vessel's sides and bulkheads.
Class 1 (explosive) materials requiring magazine stowage type A must be stowed in a magazine which is tightly sheathed with wood on its inner sides and floor.
When utilized as part of the magazine structure, the vessel's sides and bulkheads must be clean, free from rust or scale, and protected by battening or sweatboards spaced not more than 150 mm (6 inches) apart. All stanchions and other unprotected structural members must be similarly clean and battened. The underside of the deck above the magazine must be clean and free of rust and scale, but need not be battened.
The top of the stow within the magazine must be at least 30 cm (12 inches) from the underside of the deck above.
A type A magazine constructed in the square of a cargo space may not be loaded from the top.
When other Class 1 (explosive) materials are stowed with Class 1 (explosive) materials for which magazine stowage type A is required, they or their packagings may have no exposed external parts made of ferrous metal or aluminum alloy.