This subchapter does not apply to the following materials used for special aircraft operations when applicable FAA operator requirements have been met, including training operator personnel on the proper handling and stowage of the hazardous materials carried:
Hazardous materials loaded and carried in hoppers or tanks of aircraft certificated for use in aerial seeding, dusting spraying, fertilizing, crop improvement, or pest control, to be dispensed during such an operation.
Parachute activation devices, lighting equipment, oxygen cylinders, flotation devices, smoke grenades, flares, or similar devices carried during a parachute operation.
Smoke grenades, flares, and pyrotechnic devices affixed to aircraft during any flight conducted as part of a scheduled air show or exhibition of aeronautical skill. The aircraft may not carry any persons other than required flight crewmembers. The affixed installation accommodating the smoke grenades, flares, or pyrotechnic devices on the aircraft must be approved for its intended use by the FAA Flight Standards District Office having responsibility for that aircraft.
Hazardous materials are carried and used during dedicated air ambulance, fire fighting, or search and rescue operations.
A transport incubator unit necessary to protect life or an organ preservation unit necessary to protect human organs, carried in the aircraft cabin, provided:
The compressed gas used to operate the unit is in an authorized DOT specification cylinder and is marked, labeled, filled, and maintained as prescribed by this subchapter;
Each battery used is of the nonspillable type;
The unit is constructed so valves, fittings, and gauges are protected from damage;
The pilot-in-command is advised when the unit is on board, and when it is intended for use;
The unit is accompanied by a person qualified to operate it;
The unit is secured in the aircraft in a manner that does not restrict access to or use of any required emergency or regular exit or of the aisle in the passenger compartment; and,
Smoking within 3 m (10 feet) of the unit is prohibited.
Hazardous materials which are loaded and carried on or in cargo only aircraft, and which are to be dispensed or expended during flight for weather control, environmental restoration or protection, forest preservation and protection, fire fighting and prevention, flood control, or avalanche control purposes, when the following requirements are met:
Operations may not be conducted over densely populated areas, in a congested airway, or near any airport where carrier passenger operations are conducted.
Each operator shall prepare and keep current a manual containing operational guidelines and handling procedures, for the use and guidance of flight, maintenance, and ground personnel concerned in the dispensing or expending of hazardous materials. The manual must be approved by the FAA Principal Operations Inspector assigned to the operator.
No person other than a required flight crewmember, FAA inspector, or person necessary for handling or dispensing the hazardous material may be carried on the aircraft.
The operator of the aircraft must have advance permission from the owner of any airport to be used for the dispensing or expending operation.
When dynamite and blasting caps are carried for avalanche control flights, the explosives must be handled by, and at all times be under the control of, a qualified blaster. When required by a State or local authority, the blaster must be licensed and the State or local authority must be identified in writing to the FAA Principal Operations Inspector assigned to the operator.