(a) Detailed filling requirements.
Nonliquefied compressed gases (except gas in solution) for which filling requirements are not specifically prescribed in § 173.304a must be shipped subject to the requirements in this section and §§ 173.301, 173.301a, 173.302, and 173.305 in specification cylinders, as follows:
DOT 3, 3A, 3AA, 3AL, 3B, 3E, 4B, 4BA and 4BW cylinders.
DOT 3HT cylinders. These cylinders are authorized for aircraft use only and only for nonflammable gases. They have a maximum service life of 24 years from the date of manufacture. The cylinders must be equipped with frangible disc type pressure relief devices that meet the requirements of § 173.301(f). Each frangible disc must have a rated bursting pressure not exceeding 90 percent of the minimum required test pressure of the cylinder. Discs with fusible metal backing are not permitted. Specification 3HT cylinders may be offered for transportation only when packaged in accordance with § 173.301(a)(9).
(3) DOT 39 cylinders.
When the cylinder is filled with a Division 2.1 material, the internal volume of the cylinder may not exceed 1.23 L (75 in 3 ).
DOT 3AX, 3AAX, and 3T cylinders are authorized for Division 2.1 and 2.2 materials and for carbon monoxide. DOT 3T cylinders are not authorized for hydrogen. When used in methane service, the methane must be a nonliquefied gas with a minimum purity of 98.0 percent methane and commercially free of corroding components.
Aluminum cylinders manufactured in conformance with specifications DOT 39 and 3AL are authorized for oxygen only under the conditions specified in § 173.302(b).
(b) Special filling limits for DOT 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, and 3T cylinders.
A DOT 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, and 3T cylinder may be filled with a compressed gas, other than a liquefied, dissolved, Division 2.1, or Division 2.3 gas, to a pressure 10 percent in excess of its marked service pressure, provided:
The cylinder is equipped with a frangible disc pressure relief device (without fusible metal backing) having a bursting pressure not exceeding the minimum prescribed test pressure.
The cylinder's elastic expansion was determined at the time of the last test or retest by the water jacket method.
Either the average wall stress or the maximum wall stress does not exceed the wall stress limitation shown in the following table:
I. Plain carbon steels over 0.35 carbon and medium manganese steels |
53,000 |
58,000 |
II. Steels of analysis and heat treatment specified in spec. 3AA |
67,000 |
73,000 |
III. Steels of analysis and heat treatment specified in spec. DOT-3T |
87,000 |
94,000 |
IV. Plain carbon steels less than 0.35 carbon made prior to 1920 |
45,000 |
48,000 |
The average wall stress must be computed from the elastic expansion data using the following formula:
S = 1.7EE / KV−0.4P
The formula in paragraph (b)(3)(i)(A) of this section is derived from the formula in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section and the following:
Code of Federal Regulations
EE = (PKVD2) / (D2−d2)
The maximum wall stress must be computed from the formula:
Code of Federal Regulations
S = (P(1.3D2 0.4d2)) / (D2−d2)
Compliance with average wall stress limitation may be determined by computing the elastic expansion rejection limit in accordance with CGA C-5, by reference to data tabulated in CGA C-5, or by the manufacturer's marked elastic expansion rejection limit (REE) on the cylinder.
An external and internal visual examination made at the time of test or retest shows the cylinder to be free from excessive corrosion, pitting, or dangerous defects.
A plus sign ( ) is added following the test date marking on the cylinder to indicate compliance with paragraphs (b) (2), (b)(3), and (b)(4) of this section.
(c) Carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide must be offered in a DOT 3, 3A, 3AX, 3AA, 3AAX, 3AL, 3E, or 3T cylinder having a minimum service pressure of 1800 psig. The pressure in a steel cylinder may not exceed 1000 psig at 21 °C (70 °F), except that if the gas is dry and sulfur free, the cylinder may be filled to 5/6 of the cylinder's service pressure or 2000 psig, whichever is less. A DOT 3AL cylinder may be filled to its marked service pressure. A DOT 3AL cylinder is authorized only when transported by motor vehicle, rail car, or cargo-only aircraft.
(d) Diborane and diborane mixtures.
Diborane and diborane mixed with compatible compressed gas must be offered in a DOT 3AL1800 or 3AA1800 cylinder. The maximum filling density of the diborane may not exceed 7 percent. Diborane mixed with compatible compressed gas may not have a pressure exceeding the service pressure of the cylinder if complete decomposition of the diborane occurs. Cylinder valve assemblies must be protected in accordance with § 173.301(h).
(e) Fluorine.
Fluorine must be shipped in specification 3A1000, 3AA1000, or 3BN400 cylinders without pressure relief devices and equipped with valve protection cap. The cylinder may not be charged to over 400 psig at 21 °C (70 °F) and may not contain over 2.7 kg (6 lbs) of gas.
[67 FR 51646, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 75745, Dec. 31, 2003; 70 FR 34075, June 13, 2005; 71 FR 54395, Sept. 14, 2006; 72 FR 4455, Jan. 31, 2007; 72 FR 55098, Sept. 28, 2007]