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1245.5—Classification of job titles.

Number Classification Description Typical titles Relation to present classification
100 Executives, Officials, and Staff Assistants
101 Executives and General Officers Chief executives, corporate department heads and major subdepartment heads President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President, Controller, Treasurer, Director (head of subdepartment), General Superintendent (subdepartment head), Chief Engineer, General Manager (department or subdepartment head) More precisely defined than present No. 1, limited to executive management positions; adds new titles.
102 Corporate Staff Managers Corporate executives and managers assisting department and subdepartment heads Director (other than subdepartment head), Assistant Director, Assistant General Manager (not regional), Manager, Assistant Manager, Assistant Chief Engineer, Purchasing Agent, Superintendent (not division), Assistant to (corporate executive or general officer), Executive Assistant (to corporate executive) Budget Officer New classification, providng a specific assignment for staff managers; adds new title.
103 Regional and Division Officers, Assistants and Staff Assistants Regional managers and assistants below the executive management level, and chief division officers Assistant General Manager, Assistant Regional Manager, General Superintendent, Assistant to General Manager, Division Superintendent, Master Mechanic, Division Sales Manager, District Sales Manager, Assistant Master Mechanic, District Engineer, Assistant Superintendent, Captain of Police, Division Engineer, Manager of Materials, Safety Inspector, Real Estate Agent, Real Estate Supervisor, Tax Agent, Buyer, Assistant Buyer, Sales Agent, Assistant Sales Agent Similar to present No. 2 but limited to regional and divisional management; adds new title.
104 Transportation Officers/Managers Managers directly supervising train and yard operations Train Master, Assistant Train Master, General Yardmaster, General Road Foreman, Road Foreman, Assistant Road Foreman, Chief Power Supervisor (motive) New classification providing specific assignment for Operations Managers.
200 Professional and Administrative
201 Professionals (other than those reported in 101 and 102) Technical occupations requiring a high degree of training and/or supervising subprofessionals and technicians General Counsel, Assistant General Counsel, General Attorney, Assistant General Attorney, Attorney, Commerce Counsel, Chief Medical Officer, Medical Officer, Surgeon, Company Surgeon, Engineer, Architect, Chief Chemist, Nurse, Tax Accountant, Internal Auditor to General Accountant, Corporate Accountant, Supervisor Programing, Senior Computer System Specialist, Senior System Analyst Corresponds to present STB No. 3, but limited to professionals; adds new titles.
202 Subprofessionals Technical occupations requiring a high degree of knowledge and/or skill Draftsman, Chemist, Assistant Chemist, X-ray Technician, Supervisor Estimating, Junior Engineer, Engineering Trainee, Photographer, Computer Programmer, Computer Analyst, Market Analyst, Pricing Analyst, Employment Supervisor, Research Analyst Corresponds to present STB No. 3 but limited to subprofessionals; adds new titles.
203 Auditors, Traveling Auditors or Accountants Title is descriptive Traveling Auditor, Accounting Specialist Auditors, Operations Traveling Auditors, Station Auditors Corresponds to present STB No. 13.
204 General and Administrative Supervisors Supervisors responsible for administrative activity of a department, subdepartment, office or region General Supervisor, Supervisor, Chief Clerk, Office Supervisor, Supervisor Administration, Office Manager, Supervising Clerk, Head Clerk, Assistant Chief Clerk, Supervising Cashier, Division Supervisor, Regional Supervisor, Budget Supervisor, Administrative Supervisor, Administrative Assistant Consolidation of present STB Nos. 4 and 5; adds new titles.
205 Sales and Traffic Representatives and Agents Non-supervisory occupations with predominant responsibilities for sales and customer relations Freight Traffic Agent, Coal Traffic Agent, Sales Representative, Freight Sales Representative, Freight Traffic Representative, Passenger Sales Representative New classification, containing a portion of present STB No. 19; adds new titles.
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206 Freight and Other Claim Agents and Investigators Occupations which have predominant duties investigating and handling freight and personal injury claims Claim Agent, Claim Investigator, Freight Claim Agent, Freight Claim Investigator Consolidates present STB Nos. 20 and 21; adds new titles.
207 Supervising and Chief Claim Agents Title is descriptive Chief Claim Agent, Chief Freight Claim Agent, Assistant Chief Claim Agent, Chief District Claim Agent, District Freight Claim Agent, Chief Claim Investigator Corresponds with present STB No. 22.
208 Lieutenants and Sergeants of Police Title is descriptive Police Lieutenant, Police Sergeant Corresponds to present STB No. 17.
209 Police Officers, Watchmen and Guards (Except Crossing and Bridge) Title is descriptive Police Officer, Patrolman, Watchman, Guard Corresponds with present STB No. 18.
210 Inspectors (Except Maintenance of Way and Equipment), Other Investigators, Examiners, Instructors, and Other Agents (Except Station Agents) Miscellaneous occupations which have predominant duties of investigating, inspecting, reviewing, and instructing and which require a high degree of technical knowledge Rules Examiner, Supervisor Rules, Safety Supervisor, Fire Marshall, Fire Chief, Instructor, Supervisor Procedures, Supervisor Yard Procedures Classification for a portion of similar occupations included in present STB No. 19; adds new titles.
212 Clerical Technicians and Clerical Specialists Clerical occupations with duties to perform independently responsible work requiring special financial cost, accounting, or other technical knowledge Lead Clerk, Staff Assistant (clerical), Statistician, Cashier, Teller, Assistant Statistician, Rate Clerk, Pricing Clerk, Computer Technician Corresponds to present STB No. 6; adds new titles.
213 Office Machine and Data Equipment Operators Occupations with predominant duties of operating office machines and computer equipment Machine Operator, Clerk, Computer Operator, Keypunch Operator Office Machine Technician Corresponds to present STB No. 8; adds new titles.
214 Secretaries, Stenographers, and Typists Secretaries, Stenographers, and Typists Secretary, Stenographer, Typists, Clerk Typist, Steno-clerk Consolidates present STB Nos. 9 and 10.
215 General and Other Clerks (excluding yard clerk and crew dispatcher) Clerical occupations not otherwise classified File Clerk, General Clerk, Bookkeeper, Ticket Clerk, Records Clerk, Trace Clerk, Assignment Clerk, Personnel Clerk, M of W Clerks, M of E Clerks Corresponds to present STB NO. 7; adds new titles.
216 Telephone and Switchboard Operators Title is descriptive Switchboard Operator, Chief Operator Present STB No. 14.
217 Building and Office Attendants Miscellaneous occupations associated with office building functions Elevator Operator, Elevator Starter, Janitor, Cleaner, Porter Consolidates present STB Nos. 16 and 26.
218 Messengers and Office Persons Title is descriptive Messenger, Office Person Present STB No. 15.
219 Motor Vehicle Operators Occupations associated with automobile and truck driving Truck Driver, Bus Driver, Driver, Chauffeur Consolidates present STB Nos. 24 and 25.
300 Maintenance of Way and Structures
301 Supervisors, Maintenance of Way, Structures, Communication and Signals Occupations with supervisor responsibility for maintenance of way and structures (other than regional and divisional officers) Roadmaster, Division Roadmaster, Supervisor Track, Supervisor Bridges and Buildings, Supervisor Communications and Signals, Assistant Supervisor, General Foreman (MW&S), Assistant General Foreman (MW&S), Master Carpenter, Chief Draftsman Corresponds with present STB Nos. 27 and 44.
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302 Maintenance of Way, Structures, Communication and Signals, and Scale Inspectors Title is descriptive Chief Bridge and Building Inspector, Chief Scale Inspector, Bridge and Building Inspector, Scale Inspector, Roadway Equipment Inspector, Track and Roadway Inspector, Instrument Man, Rodman, Chainman, Inspector Communications and Signals, Signal Inspector Corresponds with present STB No. 28 plus part of old No. 44.
303 Bridge and Building Gang Foreman Title is descriptive Gang Foreman, Lead Workman Consolidates present STB No. 29 with bridge and building portion of present STB No. 39.
304 Bridge and Building Carpenters Title is descriptive Carpenter Corresponds with present STB No. 30.
305 Bridge and Building Ironworkers Title is descriptive Ironworker Corresponds with present STB No. 31.
306 Bridge and Building Painters Title is descriptive Painter, Sign Painter Corresponds with present STB No. 32.
307 Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers, and Plumbers Title is descriptive Mason, Bricklayer, Plasterer, Plumber, Operator, Grinder, Welder (M of W) Corresponds with present STB Nos. 23 and 33.
308 Bridge and Building Helpers and Apprentices Title is descriptive Carpenter Helper, Ironworker Helper, Mason Helper, Plumber Helper, Painter Helper, Apprentice Carpenter, Apprentice Ironworker, Apprentice Mason, Plumber Apprentice, Apprentice Painter, Welder Helper Corresponds with present STB No. 34; adds new titles.
309 Bridge and Building Gang and Bridge and Building Department Laborers Title is descriptive Bridge and Building Laborer Corresponds with present STB No. 43.
310 Track Gang Foremen (Extra Gang work train laborers) Title is descriptive Gang Foreman, Assistant Foreman Corresponds with present STB No. 38.
311 Gang or Section Foreman Title is descriptive Gang Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Section Foreman Corresponds with present STB No. 40.
312 Extra Gang Laborers Title is descriptive Trackman, Fence Laborer Corresponds with present STB No. 41.
313 Section Laborers Title is descriptive Trackman, Track and Roadway Section Laborer Corresponds with present STB No. 42.
314 Machine Operators Title is descriptive Craneman, Portable Equipment Engineer, Portable Equipment Operator, Machine Operator, Helper Consolidates present STB No. 35, 36, and 37.
315 Gang Foremen, Communications and Signals Title is descriptive Gang Foreman, Assistant Gang Foreman, Lead Signal Maintainer Consolidates present STB No. 45 with communications and signals occupations included in present STB No. 39.
316 Signalmen and Signal Maintainers Title is descriptive Signalman, Signal Maintainer Corresponds with present STB No. 46.
317 Linemen and Groundmen and Communications Craftsman Communications equipment installers, Maintainers, and repairmen Electrical Worker (Lineman), Electrical Worker (Groundman) Communications maintainer Corresponds with present STB No. 47.
318 Assistant Signalmen and Assistant Signal Maintainers Title is descriptive Assistant Signalman, Assistant Signal Maintainer Corresponds with present STB No. 48.
319 Signal Helpers and Signal Maintainer Helpers Title is descriptive Signalman Helper, Signal Maintainer Helper Corresponds with present STB No. 49.
320 Camp Car Cooks Occupations engage in food service in camp cars Camp Car Cook, Camp Car Helper Corresponds with part of present STB No. 97.
400 Maintenance of Equipment and Stores
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401 Supervisors and General Foremen, Maintenance of Equipment Occupations with supervisory responsibility for maintenance of equipment (other than regional and division officers) General Foreman Shop, General Foreman Enginehouse, General Foreman Diesel Terminal, Assistant General Foreman (M of E) Corresponds with present STB No. 50; adds new titles.
402 Supervisors and General Foremen, Materials and Stores Occupations with supervisory responsibility for stores and materials Supervisor Materials, Assistant Supervisor Materials, General Foreman Stores, General Foreman Reclamation Plant, Assistant General Foreman Corresponds with present STB No. 51; adds new titles.
403 Equipment, Shop, Electrical Inspectors Title is descriptive Chief Electrical Inspector, Chief Shop and Equipment Inspector, Electrical Inspector, Equipment Inspector, Inspector Diesel Locomotive, Fuel Inspector Corresponds with part of present STB No. 52.
404 Materials and Supplies Inspectors Title is descriptive Materials and Supplies Inspector, Chief Materials and Supplies Inspector, Timber Inspector, Tie Inspector Corresponds with part of present STB No. 52.
405 Storekeeper Title is descriptive Storekeeper, Assistant Storekeeper, Materials Clerk, Store Clerk Corresponds to materials and stores occupation in present STB No. 11.
406 Gang Foremen, Maintenance of Equipment Title is descriptive Gang Foreman Consolidates present STB Nos. 53 and 68.
407 Blacksmiths Title is descriptive Blacksmith Corresponds with present STB No. 54.
408 Boilermakers Title is descriptive Boilermaker Corresponds with present STB No. 55.
409 Carmen (Freight) Repair and inspect freight cars Car Repairmen, Car Inspector, Carman, Painter Corresponds with present STB No. 57.
410 Carmen (Other) Title is descriptive Carmen Corresponds with present STB No. 56.
411 Electrical Workers (A) Electricians Electrician, Electrical Worker Corresponds with present STB No. 58.
412 Electrical Workers (B) Electrical workers—occupations specialized in operating heavy equipment Crane Operator, Load Dispatcher, Power Station Operator, Assistant Power Director Corresponds with present STB No. 59.
413 Electrical Workers (C) Electrical Workers—occupation specialized in heavy equipment operating at coal, grain, and ore docks Coal and Ore Elevator Operator (electrical), Grain Elevator Operator (electrical) Corresponds with present STB No. 60.
414 Machinists Title is descriptive Machinist Corresponds with present STB No. 61.
415 Sheet Metal Workers Title is descriptive Sheet Metal Worker Corresponds with present STB No. 63.
416 Skilled Trades, Helpers, Maintenance of Equipment and Stores Title is descriptive Helper Corresponds with present STB No. 64.
417 Apprentices, Maintenance of Equipment and Stores Title is descriptive Apprentice, Helper Apprentice Consolidates present STB Nos. 65 and 66.
418 Coach Cleaners Title is descriptive Coach Cleaner Corresponds with present STB No. 67.
419 Laborers: Shops, Enginehouses, and Power Plants Title is descriptive Laborer Consolidates present STB Nos. 70 and 71.
420 Gang Foremen, Materials and Stores Title is descriptive Gang Foremen Corresponds with present STB No. 69.
421 Equipment Operators and General Laborers, Materials and Stores Title is descriptive Laborer, Materials Handler, Equipment Operators, Machine Operators Corresponds with present STB No. 72, plus part of STB No. 24.
422 Stationary Engineers Title is descriptive Chief Engineer (Steam Plant) Engineer, Stationary Engineer Corresponds with present STB No. 73.
423 Stationary Firemen Title is descriptive Stationary Fireman, Power Equipment Operator Helper, Oiler Corresponds with present STB No. 74.
500 Transportation, Other Than Train and Engine
501 Transportation Supervisor and Chief Train Dispatcher Occupational directly supervising train operation Chief Train Dispatcher, Supervisor Train Operations, Transportation Supervisor, Supervisor Train Operations, Supervisor Locomotive and Car Distribution, Assistant Chief Train Dispatcher Corresponds with present STB No. 75; adds new titles.
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502 Train Dispatchers Title is descriptive Train Dispatcher Corresponds with present STB No. 76.
503 Station, Freight and Passenger Agents Occupations with responsibility for station operations Supervising Station Agent, Assistant Supervising Station Agent, Station Agent, Freight Agent, Passenger Agent, Ticket Agent, Traveling Agent, Agent Operators Consolidates present STB Nos. 12, 78, 79, and 80.
504 Chief Operators and Wire Chiefs Title is descriptive Supervising Operator, Chief Operator, Assistant Supervising Operator, Wire Chief Corresponds with present STB No. 81.
505 Clerk Operators, Towerman, Train Directors Title is descriptive Clerk Operator, Block Operator, Operator, Towerman, Train Directors Consolidates present STB Nos. 77, 82 and 83.
506 Station Masters and Assistants, Supervising Baggage Agents, Baggage Agents and Assistants Title is descriptive Stationmaster, Assistant Stationmaster, Supervising Baggage Agent, Baggage Agent, Assistant Baggage Agent, Parcel Room Agent Consolidates present STB Nos. 84, 85, and 86.
507 Baggage, Parcel Room and Station Attendants Title is descriptive Baggage Attendant, Parcel Room Attendant, Station Attendant, Gateman, Announcer, Station Usher, Red Cap, Information Bureau Attendant Corresponds with present STB No. 87.
508 General and Assistant General Foremen, Stations, Warehouses, Grain Elevators, and Docks Title is descriptive General Foreman, Assistant General Foreman Consolidates present STB Nos. 88 and 89.
509 Gang Foremen, Stations, Warehouses, Grain Elevators and Docks Title is descriptive Gang Foreman Corresponds with present STB No. 90.
510 Grain Elevator, and Dock Laborers Title is descriptive Laborer Consolidates present STB Nos. 93 and 94.
511 Station, and Warehouse Laborers Title is descriptive Loader, Sealer Corresponds with present STB No. 91.
512 Truckers (Station, Warehouse and Platforms) Title is descriptive Trucker Corresponds with present STB No. 92.
513 Food and Lodging Manager, Supervisors Occupations with responsibility for supervision of food service or lodging Manager Lodging House, Restaurant Manager, Dining Car Supervisor, Dining Car Steward Corresponds with present STB No. 95.
514 Transportation and Dining-Service Inspectors Title is descriptive Instructor Chef, Restaurant Inspector, Freight Service Inspector, Baggage Inspector Corresponds with present STB No. 99.
515 Waiters and Kitchen Helpers (Restaurant and Dining Car) Title is descriptive Waiter-in-charge, Waiter Corresponds with present STB No. 97.
516 Chefs and Cooks (Restaurant and Dining Car) Title is descriptive Chef, Cook Corresponds with present STB No. 96.
517 Marine Officers and Workers and Shore Workers All occupations with predominant duties which are the operation of marine service Captain, Engineer, Mate, Deckhand, Oiler, Purser, Boat Master, Fireman, Wharf Master, Able Seaman, Baggageman, Boat Dispatcher Corresponds with present STB No. 98.
518 Train Attendants Passenger train occupations other than train service and dining car operation Porter, Buffet Lounge Attendant, Stewardess Consolidates present STB Nos. 100 and 101.
519 Bridge Operators and Helpers Title is descriptive Bridge Operator Corresponds with present STB No. 102.
520 Bridge and Crossing Flagmen and Gatemen Title is descriptive Bridge Flagman, Crossing Gateman Corresponds with present STB No. 103.
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521 Yard Clerks Clerical occupations situated in yards and yard offices Yard Clerk, Yard Clerk Caller, Yard Demurrage Clerk, Yard Dispatcher Clerk, Piggyback Clerk New classification.
522 Crew Dispatchers Title is descriptive Crew Dispatcher, Crew Caller New classification.
523 Yardmasters and Assistant Yardmasters Title is descriptive Yardmaster, Assistant Yardmaster Consolidates present STB No. 105 and 106.
600 Transportation, Train and Engine
601 Switchtenders Title is descriptive Switchtender Corresponds to present STB No. 107.
602 Car Retarder Operators and Ground Service Employees Ground occupations not part of yard crew Car Retarder Operator, Skatesman, Herder, Yard Pilot New classification—part of present STB No. 119; adds new titles.
603 Outside Hostlers Title is descriptive Outside Hostler Corresponds to present STB No. 108.
604 Outside Hostler Helpers Title is descriptive Outside Hostler Helper Corresponds to present STB No. 110.
605 Inside Hostler Title is descriptive Inside Hostler Corresponds to present STB No. 109.
606 Road Passenger Conductors Title is descriptive Passenger Conductor Corresponds to present STB No. 111.
607 Assistant Road Passenger Conductors and Ticket Collectors Title is descriptive Assistant Passenger Conductor, Ticket Collector Corresponds to present STB No. 112.
608 Road Freight Conductors (Through Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Conductor, Work Train Conductor, (paid through rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 113.
609 Road Freight Conductors (Local and Way Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Conductor, Work Train Conductor, (paid local rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 114.
610 Road Passenger Baggageperson Title is descriptive Baggageperson Corresponds to present STB No. 115.
611 Road Passenger Brakemen and Flagmen Title is descriptive Passenger Brakeman, Passenger Flagman Corresponds to present STB No. 116.
612 Road Freight Brakemen and Flagmen (Through Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Brakeman, Freight Flagman, Work Train Brakeman (paid through rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 117.
613 Road Freight Brakemen and Flagmen (Local and Way Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Brakeman, Freight Flagman, Work Train Brakeman, (paid local rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 118.
614 Yard Conductors and Yard Foremen Title is descriptive Yard Conductor, Yard Foreman Corresponds to present STB No. 119 Less Car Retarder Operator and other ground occupations not part of Yard Crew.
615 Yard Brakemen and Yard Helpers Title is descriptive Yard Brakeman, Yard Helper Corresponds to present STB No. 120; adds new titles.
616 Road Passenger Engineers and Motormen Title is descriptive Passenger Engineer, Motorman, Operator Corresponds to present STB No. 121.
617 Road Freight Engineers (Through Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Engineer, Work Train Engineer, (paid through rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 122.
618 Road Freight Engineers (Local and Way Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Engineer, Work Train Engineer, (paid local rate) Corresponds to present STB No. 123.
619 Yard Engineers Title is descriptive Yard Engineer Corresponds to present STB No. 124.
620 Road Passenger Firemen and Helpers Title is descriptive Passenger Fireman Corresponds to present STB No. 125.
621 Road freight Firemen and Helpers (Through Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Fireman Corresponds to present STB No. 126.
622 Road Freight Firemen and Helpers (Local and Way Freight) Title is descriptive Freight Fireman Corresponds to present STB No. 127.
623 Yard Firemen and Helpers Title is descriptive Yard Fireman Corresponds to present STB No. 128.
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[47 FR 53868, Nov. 30, 1982, as amended at 50 FR 947, Jan. 8, 1985]