Applications for land-use-exemption permits shall contain the following information, including supporting documentation:
(a) General.
Exact name of applicant.
Whether applicant is a common carrier by railroad subject to 49 U.S.C. Subtitle IV, chapter 105.
Summary of why a land-use-exemption permit is being sought.
The full address of the solid waste rail transfer facility, or, if not available, the city, state, and United States Postal Service ZIP code.
The line of railroad serving the facility, the milepost location of the facility, and the milepost and names of the stations that the facility is located between.
Name, title, and address of representative of applicant to whom comments should be sent.
Citation to all state, local, or municipal laws, regulations, orders, or other requirements affecting the siting of the solid waste rail transfer facility.
Copies of the specific state, local, or municipal laws, regulations, orders, or other requirements affecting the siting of the solid waste rail transfer facility from which the applicant requests entire or partial exemption that would otherwise apply, any publicly available material providing the criteria in the application of the regulations, and a description of any action that the state, local, or municipal authority has taken affecting the siting of the facility.
Certification that the laws, regulations, orders or other requirements from which the applicant requests exemption are not based on Federal laws, regulations, orders, or other requirements.
Certification that the facility complies with all state, local, or municipal laws, regulations, orders, or other requirements affecting the siting of the facility except those for which it seeks exemption.
Citation to the regulations listed in 49 CFR 1155.27(c)(1) through (5).
Certification that the applicant has applied or will apply for the appropriate state permits not affecting siting.
For facilities not in existence as of October 16, 2008, certification that the facility is not proposed to be located on land within any unit of or land affiliated with the National Park System, the National Wildlife Refuge System, the National Wilderness Preservation System, the National Trails System, the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, a National Reserve, or a National Monument. For facilities in existence as of October 16, 2008, state whether the facility is located in any of these types of lands.
For facilities not in existence as of October 16, 2008, certification that the facility is not proposed to be located on lands referenced in The Highlands Conservation Act, Public Law No. 108-421, for which a state has implemented a conservation management plan, or, that the facility is consistent with the restrictions implemented by the applicable state under The Highlands Conservation Act, Public Law No. 108-421, placed on its proposed location. For facilities in existence as of October 16, 2008, state whether the facility is located in any of these lands, and, if so, address whether the facility is consistent with the restrictions placed on the location by the applicable state under that law.
A detailed description of the operations and activities that will occur/are occurring at the facility.
Detailed map showing the subject facility on a sheet not larger than 8 x 10 1/2 inches, drawn to scale, and with the scale shown thereon. The map must show, in clear relief, the exact location of the facility on the rail line and its relation to other rail lines in the area, highways, water routes, population centers and any geographic features that should be considered in determining whether the facility would pose an unreasonable risk to public health, safety, or the environment, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10909(c)(1).
Detailed drawing of the subject facility on a sheet not larger than 8 x 10 1/2 inches, drawn to scale, and with the scale shown thereon. The drawing must show, in clear relief, the exact boundaries of the facility, structures at the facility, the location and type of the operations taking place at the facility, the proposed traffic configuration for the solid waste entering and leaving the facility, reasonable future expansion that the applicant requests to be included in the land-use-exemption permit, any geographic features that should be considered in determining whether the facility would pose an unreasonable risk to public health, safety, or the environment, pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10909(c)(1), and any other information that the applicant would like to show.
(b) A statement that sets forth in detail the reasons why the Board should grant a land-use-exemption permit to the applicant.
The applicant shall organize its request in terms of the standards for the Board's review and consideration provided in 49 U.S.C. 10909(c), (d) and these regulations.
(c) Environmental impact.
The applicant shall certify that it has submitted an environmental and/or historical report containing the information in 49 CFR 1105.7 and 1105.8, if one is required, to allow the Board's Section of Environmental Analysis to determine whether preparation of environmental documentation is warranted, and, if so, whether a full Environmental Impact Statement or a more limited Environmental Assessment should be prepared.
(d) Additional information.
The applicant shall submit such additional information to support its application as the Board may require.
Federal Register
Notice. The applicant shall submit a draft notice of its application to be published by the Board. In addition to the regular number of copies that must be filed with the Board, the applicant must submit a copy of the draft notice as data contained on a computer diskette compatible with the Board's current word processing capabilities. The Board will publish the notice in the Federal Register within 20 days of the application's filing with the Board. The draft notice shall be in the following form:
(f) Verification.
The original application shall be executed and verified in the form set forth below by an officer of the applicant having knowledge of the facts and matters relied upon.