1155.12—Participation in petition proceedings.
An interested person may file a reply to the petition challenging the Governor's classification of the facility as a solid waste rail transfer facility and may offer evidence to support its contention. The petitioner will have an opportunity to file a rebuttal.
Filing and service of replies.
Any reply shall be filed with the Board (the Secretary, Surface Transportation Board, 395 E Street, SW., Washington, DC 20423) within 20 days of the filing with the Board of a petition to require a solid waste rail transfer facility in existence on October 16, 2008, to apply for a land-use-exemption permit.
A copy of the reply shall be served on petitioner or its representative at the time of filing with the Board. Each filing shall contain a certificate of service.
Any rebuttal to a reply shall be filed and served by petitioner no later than 30 days after the filing of the petition.