For the purposes of this proceeding the “study carriers” shall consist of those Class I motor common carriers of passengers which are members of NBTA and which, during the latest calendar year available preceding the filing date of the proposed increase in fares and/or charges, derived $500,000 or more in annual operating revenues from the issue traffic, or 1 percent or more of the total annual operating revenues received by all Class I carriers from the issue traffic. Issue traffic is defined as that traffic (services) directly affected by the proposed increases in fares and/or charges.
To corroborate the selection of the above study carriers, and to provide a data base for a continuing evaluation of the validity and usefulness of those carriers as a study group, respondents shall submit, as a part of their verified statement (justification), a list of all Class I motor common carriers of passengers participating in the issue traffic (services). For the above specified calendar year, the dollar amounts of total system operating revenues for each such carrier shall be arrayed in descending order; and, there shall be shown the amount of annual operating revenues received by each carrier from the total traffic at issue. Also, to be shown is the percent that each such carrier's total issue traffic revenue is to its total system revenues, and the percent that each carrier's total issue traffic revenue is to the total issue traffic revenues for all Class I carriers indicated in the above list. This list of carriers and the carrier's applicable revenues shall be referred to as Schedule A, Class I Participating Carriers' Revenue Data.
[42 FR 40860, Aug. 12, 1977. Redesignated at 47 FR 49577, Nov. 1, 1982]