An executed original, plus 10 copies, of every paper pleading, document, or paper permitted or required to be filed under this subchapter, including correspondence, must be furnished for the use of the Board, unless otherwise specifically directed by another Board regulation or notice in an individual proceeding. Copies may be reproduced by any duplicating process, provided all copies are clear and legible. Appropriate notes or other indications shall be used so that matters shown in color on the original, but in black and white on the copies, will be accurately identified on all copies.
Electronic submissions accompanying paper filings must be furnished as follows:
Textual submissions of 20 or more pages must be accompanied by three electronic copies submitted on compact discs or 3.5-inch IBM-compatible formatted floppy diskettes.
Three sets of evidence or workpapers consisting of mathematical computations must be submitted as functioning electronic spreadsheets in Lotus 1-2-3 Release 9 or Microsoft Excel 97, or compatible versions, on compact discs or 3.5-inch IBM-compatible formatted floppy diskettes. In order to fully evaluate evidence, all spreadsheets must be fully accessible and manipulable. Electronic databases placed in evidence or offered as support for spreadsheet calculations must be compatible with the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standard. ODBC is a Windows technology that allows a database software package to import data from a database created using a different software package. We currently use Microsoft Access 97 and databases submitted should be in either this format or another ODBC-compatible format. All databases must be supported with adequate documentation on data attributes, SQL queries, programmed reports, and so forth.
One copy of each diskette or compact disc submitted to the Board should, if possible, be provided to any other party requesting a copy.
Each diskette and compact disc must be clearly labeled with the Docket Number of the proceeding in which it is filed; the name(s) of the party(ies) on whose behalf the filing is made, and “CONFIDENTIAL” or “REDACTED” as appropriate. If more than one diskette or disc is submitted for one filing, the label of each must be sequentially numbered to indicate the diskette or disc number and the total number of diskettes or discs filed (e.g., the first disc of a 4-disc set should be labeled “Disc 1 of 4,” the second disc “Disc 2 of 4,” and so forth).
[67 FR 5515, Feb. 6, 2002, as amended at 69 FR 18499, Apr. 8, 2004]