(a) General.
A person must meet the requirements of this section to be approved to inspect, test, certify, repair, or rebuild a cylinder in accordance with a DOT specification or a UN pressure receptacle under subpart C of part 178 or subpart C of part 180 of this chapter, or under the terms of a special permit issued under this part.
(b) Independent Inspection Agency Review.
Each applicant must arrange for an independent inspection agency, approved by the Associate Administrator pursuant to this subpart, to perform a review of its inspection or requalification operation. The person seeking approval must bear the cost of the inspection. A list of approved independent inspection agencies is available from the Associate Administrator at the address listed in § 107.705. Assistance in obtaining an approval is available from the same address.
(c) Application for approval.
If the inspection performed by an independent inspection agency is completed with satisfactory results, the applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from the independent inspection agency, an inspection report, and an application containing the information prescribed in § 107.705(a). In addition, the application must contain—
The name of the facility manager;
The types of DOT specification or special permit cylinders, or UN pressure receptacles that will be inspected, tested, repaired, or rebuilt at the facility;
A certification that the facility will operate in compliance with the applicable requirements of subchapter C of this chapter; and
The signature of the person making the certification and the date on which it was signed.
(d) Issuance of requalifier identification number (RIN).
The Associate Administrator issues a RIN as evidence of approval to requalify DOT specification or special permit cylinders, or UN pressure receptacles if it is determined, based on the applicant's submission and other available information, that the applicant's qualifications and, when applicable, facility are adequate to perform the requested functions in accordance with the criteria prescribed in subpart C of part 180 of this subchapter.
(e) Expiration of RIN.
Unless otherwise provided in the issuance letter, an approval expires five years from the date of issuance, provided the applicant's facility and qualifications are maintained at or above the level observed at the time of inspection by the independent inspection agency, or at the date of the certification in the application for approval for requalifiers only performing inspections made under § 180.209(g) of this chapter.
(f) Exceptions.
Notwithstanding the requirements in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a person who only performs inspections in accordance with § 180.209(g) of this chapter may submit an application that, in addition to the information prescribed in § 107.705(a), identifies the DOT specification/special permit cylinders to be inspected; certifies the requalifier will operate in compliance with the applicable requirements of subchapter C of this chapter; certifies the persons performing inspections have been trained and have the information contained in each applicable CGA pamphlet incorporated by reference in § 171.7 of this chapter applicable to the requalifiers' activities; and includes the signature of the person making the certification and the date on which it was signed. Each person must comply with the applicable requirements in this subpart. In addition, the procedural requirements in subpart H of this part apply to the filing, processing and termination of an approval issued under this subpart. After May 31, 2004, no person may requalify a DOT specification/special permit cylinder in accordance with § 180.209(g) of this chapter unless that person has been issued a RIN as provided in paragraph (d) of this section.
Each holder of a current RIN shall report in writing any change in its name, address, ownership, testing equipment, or management or personnel performing any function under this section, to the Associate Administrator (PHH-32) within 20 days of the change.
[67 FR 51639, Aug. 8, 2002, as amended at 68 FR 24659, May 8, 2003; 68 FR 55544, Sept. 26, 2003; 70 FR 56090, Sept. 23, 2005; 70 FR 73162, Dec. 9, 2005; 71 FR 33873, June 12, 2006]