STCC No. | STCC tariff | Commodity |
14 1 | 6001-T, eff. 1-1-92 | Dimension stone, quarry. |
14 2 | | Crushed or broken stone or riprap. |
14 411 | | Sand (aggregate or ballast). |
14 412 | | Gravel (aggregate or ballast). |
20 | | Food or kindred products except |
20 143 Grease or inedible tallow. | ||
20 32 Canned specialties. | ||
20 33 Canned fruits, jams, jellies, preserves or vegetables. | ||
20 4 Grain mill products. | ||
20 6 Sugar, beet or cane. | ||
20 8 Beverages or flavoring extracts. | ||
20 911 Cottonseed oil, crude or refined. | ||
20 914 Cottonseed cake or meal or by-products. | ||
20 92 Soybean oil or by-products. | ||
20 93 Nut or vegetable oils or by-products. | ||
22 | | Textile mill products. |
23 | | Apparel or other finished textile products or knit apparel. |
24 | | Lumber or wood products. |
25 | | Furniture or fixtures. |
26 | | Pulp, paper or allied products except |
26 1 Pulp or pulp mill products. | ||
26 211 Newsprint. | ||
26 212 Ground wood paper, uncoated. | ||
26 213 Printing paper, coated or uncoated, etc. | ||
26 214 Wrapping paper, wrappers or coarse paper. | ||
26 218 Sanitary tissue stock. | ||
26 471 Sanitary tissues or health products. | ||
26 6 Building paper or building board except | ||
26 613 Wallboard. | ||
27 | | Printed matter. |
28 195 22-23 | | Iron chloride, liquid. |
28 195 27-30 | | Iron sulphate. |
28 195 68-69 | | Ferrous sulphate. |
29 914 | | Coke produced from coal. |
29 915 | | Distillate or residual fuel oil from coal refining. |
30 | | Rubber or miscellaneous plastics products except |
30 111 Rubber pneumatic tires or parts. | ||
31 | | Leather or leather products. |
32 | | Clay, concrete, glass or stone products except |
32 411 Hydraulic cement, natural, portland or masonry. | ||
32 741 Lime or lime plaster. | ||
32 95 Nonmetallic earths or minerals, ground or treated in any other manner except | ||
32 952 15 Cinders, clay, shale expanded shale), slate or volcanic (not pumice stone), or haydrite. | ||
33 | | Primary metal products, including galvanized. |
34 | | Fabricated metal products except |
34 6 Metal stampings. | ||
34 919 40 Radioactive material shipping containers, etc. | ||
35 | | Machinery except |
35 11 Steam engines, turbines, turbine generator sets, or parts. | ||
35 85 Refrigerators or refrigeration machinery or complete air-conditioning units. | ||
36 | | Electrical machinery, equipment or supplies except |
36 12 Power, distribution or specialty transformers. | ||
36 21 Motors or generators. | ||
37 11 | | Motor vehicles. |
37 14 | | Motor vehicle parts or accessories. |
Code of Federal Regulations
38 | | Instruments, photographic goods, optical goods, watches or clocks. |
39 | | Miscellaneous products of manufacturing. |
41 118 | 6001-U, eff. 1-1-93 | Used vehicles. |
14 715 | 6001-V, eff. 1-1-94 | Rock salt. |
20 143 | | Grease or inedible tallow. |
28 133 | | Carbon dioxide. |
28 991 | | Salt. |
32-4 | | Hydraulic cement. |
34 912 | 6001-W, eff. 1-1-95 | Steel shipping containers. |
40 211 | | Iron and steel scrap. |
33 119 | 6001-X, eff. 1-11-96 | Blast furnace, open hearth, rolling mill or coke oven products, NEC. |
20511 | 6001-X, eff. 1-1-96 | Bread or other bakery products exc. biscuits, crackers, pretzels or other dry bakery products. See 20521-20529. |
22941 | | Textile waste, garnetted, processed, or recovered or recovered fibres or flock exc. packing or wiping cloths or rags. See 22994. |
22973 | | Textile fibres, laps, noils, nubs, roving, sliver or slubs, prepared for spinning, combed or converted. |
22994 | | Packing or wiping cloths or rags (processed textile wastes). |
24293 | | Shavings or sawdust. |
30311 | | Reclaimed rubber. |
3229924 | | Cullet (broken glass). |
33312 | | Copper matte, speiss, flue dust, or residues, etc. |
33322 | | Lead matte, speiss, flue dust, dross, slag, skimmings, etc. |
33332 | | Zinc dross, residues, ashes, etc. |
33342 | | Aluminum residues, etc. |
33398 | | Misc. nonferrous metal residues, including solder babbitt or type metal residues. |
40112 | | Ashes. |
40212 | | Brass, bronze, copper or alloy scrap, tailings, or wastes. |
40213 | | Lead, zinc, or alloy scrap, tailings or wastes. |
40214 | | Aluminum or alloy scrap, tailings or wastes. |
4021960 | | Tin scrap, consisting of scraps or pieces of metallic tin, clippings, drippings, shavings, turnings, or old worn-out block tin pipe having value for remelting purposes only. |
40221 | | Textile waste, scrap or sweepings. |
40231 | | Wood scrap or waste. |
40241 | | Paper waste or scrap. |
40251 | | Chemical or petroleum waste, including spent. |
40261 | | Rubber or plastic scrap or waste. |
4029114 | | Municipal garbage waste, solid, digested and ground, other than sewage waste or fertilizer. |
4029176 | | Automobile shredder residue. |
4111434 | | Bags, old, burlap, gunny, istle (ixtle), jute, or sisal, NEC. |
41115 | | Articles, used, returned for repair or reconditioning. |
42111 | | Nonrevenue movement of containers, bags, barrels, bottles, boxes, crates, cores, drums, kegs, reels, tubes, or carriers, NEC, empty, returning in reverse of route used in loaded movement, and so certified. |
42112 | | Nonrevenue movement of shipping devices, consisting of blocking, bolsters, cradles, pallets, racks, skids, etc., empty, returning in reverse of route used in loaded movement, and so certified. |
42311 | | Revenue movement of containers, bags, barrels, bottles, boxes, crates, cores, drums, kegs, reels, tubes, or carriers, NEC., empty, returning in reverse of route used in loaded movement and so certified. |