1017.5—Hearing procedures.
Upon the Administrative Law Judge's determination of an employee's compliance with §§ 1017.4(b)(8) or 1017.4(c)(7) of this part, whichever is applicable, he/she shall set the time, date, and location for the hearing, paying due consideration to convenience to the employee.
All significant matters discussed at the hearing shall be documented, although a verbatim transcript of the hearing shall not be made.
The Administrative Law Judge may exclude any evidence he/she deems irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious.
Any party to a hearing under these regulations is entitled to present his or her case or defense by oral or documentary evidence, and to conduct such cross-examination as may be required for a full and true disclosure of the facts.
The Board has the initial burden of proof as to the existence and amount of the debt.
The employee requesting the hearing shall bear the ultimate burden of proof.
The evidence presented by the employee must prove that no debt exists or cast sufficient doubt that reasonable minds could differ as to the existence or amount of the debt.
Where the employee files a petition for a hearing contesting the offset schedule imposed by the Board, the Administrative Law Judge shall take into consideration all relevant factors as to the employee's financial situation in determining whether said offset schedule should be altered.
Any party to a hearing under these regulations is entitled to be accompanied, represented, and advised by counsel, as well as to appear in person or by or with counsel.
The Administrative Law Judge shall issue a final written decision at the earliest practicable date, but not later than 60 days after the filing of the petition requesting the hearing, as stated in § 1017.4(b)(10) or § 1017.4(c)(9) of this part, whichever is applicable.