Unless a majority of the Board determines that such information is exempt from disclosure under the Act, public notice of the scheduling of a meeting will be given by filing a copy of the notice with the Clearance Clerk of the Board for posting and for service on all parties of record in any proceeding which is the subject of the meeting or any other person who has requested notice with respect to meetings of the Board, and by submitting a copy of the notice for publication in the Federal Register.
Public notice of a scheduled meeting will contain:
The date, time, place, and subject matter of the meeting.
Whether it is open to the public.
If the meeting or any portion of the meeting is not open to the public, an explanation of the action taken in closing the meeting or portion of the meeting, together with a list of those expected to attend the meeting and their affiliations.
If a vote is taken on the question of whether to close a meeting or a portion of a meeting to the public, a statement of the vote or position of each Board Member eligible to participate in that vote. If such a vote is taken, public notice of its result will be posted within one working day following completion of the voting. If the result of the vote is to close the meeting or a portion of the meeting, an explanation of that action will be included in the notice to be issued within one working day following completion of the voting. The public notice otherwise required by this subparagraph may be withheld if the Board finds that such information is exempt from disclosure under the Act.
The name and telephone number of the Board official designated to respond to requests for information about the meeting. Unless otherwise specified, that official will be the Board's Public Information Officer, whose telephone number is (202) 275-7252.
Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, public notice will be given at least one week before the date upon which a meeting is scheduled.
Due and timely execution of the Board's functions will not normally permit the giving of one week's public notice of meetings called to consider or determine whether to suspend or investigate a tariff or schedule under sections 15(7 ), 15(8), 215(g), 218(c), 307(g), 307(i), or 406(e) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 15(7), 15(8), 316(g), 318(c), 907(g), 907(i), 1006(e) ); to consider whether to grant special permission to deviate from tariff filing requirements under section 6(3 ), 217(c), 218(a), 306(d), 306(e), or 405(d) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 6(3), 317(c), 318(a), 906(d), 906(e), or 1005(d)); or to consider or dispose of an application for temporary authority under section 210a(a) or 311(a) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 310a(a) or 911(a) ). Such meetings will normally be called on less than one week's notice, and public notice will be posted and published at the earliest practicable time.
If a majority of the Board Members eligible to participate in the conduct or disposition of the matter which is the subject of a meeting determines, by recorded vote, that Board business requires that a meeting be called on less than one week's notice, the meeting may be called on short notice, and public notice will be posted and published at the earliest practicable time.
Changes in the scheduling of a meeting which has been the subject of a public notice will also be made the subject of a public notice, which will be posted at the earliest practicable time. Changes in, or additions to a conference agenda or in the open or closed status of a meeting will be made only if a majority of the Board Members eligible to participate in the conduct or disposition of the matter which is the subject of the meeting determines, by recorded vote, that the Board's business requires such change and that no earlier announcement of the change was possible. In such a case, the public notice of the change, will show the vote of each Board Member on the change.
[42 FR 13796, Mar. 11, 1977, as amended at 64 FR 53267, Oct. 1, 1999; 74 FR 52905, Oct. 15, 2009]