All major modifications and extensions to existing FS systems in the 18.3-18.58 band after November 19, 2002, or in the 18.58-19.30 band after June 8, 2000 (with the exception of certain low power operations authorized under § 101.147(r)(10)) will be authorized on a secondary basis to FSS systems. All other modifications will render the modified FS license secondary to FSS operations, unless the incumbent affirmatively justifies primary status and the incumbent FS licensee establishes that the modification would not add to the relocation costs for FSS licensees. Incumbent FS licensees will maintain primary status for the following technical changes:
Minor changes (increases or decreases) in antenna height;
Minor location changes (up to two seconds);
Any data correction which does not involve a change in the location of an existing facility;
Reductions in authorized bandwidth;
Minor changes (increases or decreases) in structure height;
Changes (increases or decreases) in ground elevation that do not affect centerline height;
Minor equipment changes.
Changes in ownership or control.
The provisions of § 101.83 are applicable, notwithstanding any other provisions of this section.
[65 FR 54173, Sept. 7, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 63516, Dec. 7, 2001; 68 FR 19698, Apr. 8, 2003]