An accumulator is an unfired pressure vessel in which energy is stored under high pressure in the form of a gas or a gas and hydraulic fluid. Accumulators must meet the applicable requirements in § 54.01-5 (c)(3), (c)(4), and (d) of this chapter or the remaining requirements in part 54.
If the accumulator is of the gas and fluid type, suitable separators shall be provided between the two media, if their mixture would be dangerous, or would result in contamination of the hydraulic fluid and loss of gas through absorption.
Each accumulator which may be isolated, shall be protected on the gas and fluid sides by relief valves set to relieve at pressures not exceeding the maximum allowable working pressures. When an accumulator forms an integral part of systems having relief valves, the accumulator need not have individual relief valves.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18878, Dec. 18, 1968 as amended by CGD 77-147, 47 FR 21811, May 20, 1982]