58.25-20—Piping for steering gear.
Pressure piping must comply with subpart of this part.
Relief valves must be fitted in any part of a hydraulic system that can be isolated and in which pressure can be generated from the power units or from external forces such as wave action. The valves must be of adequate size, and must be set to limit the maximum pressure to which the system may be exposed, in accordance with § 56.07-10(b) of this subchapter.
Each hydraulic system must be provided with—
Arrangements to maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid, appropriate to the type and design of the hydraulic system; and
For a vessel on an ocean, coastwise, or Great Lakes voyage, a fixed storage tank having sufficient capacity to recharge at least one power actuating system including the reservoir. The storage tank must be permanently connected by piping so that the hydraulic system can be readily recharged from within the steering-gear compartment and must be fitted with a device to indicate liquid level that complies with § 56.50-90 of this subchapter.
Neither a split flange nor a flareless fitting of the grip or bite type, addressed by § 56.30-25 of this subchapter, may be used in hydraulic piping for steering gear.