58.16-30—Operating instructions.
Before opening a cylinder valve, the outlet of the cylinder shall be connected tightly to system; and in the case where only a single cylinder is used in the system, all appliance valves and pilots shall be shut off before the cylinder valve is opened.
Before opening cylinder valve after connecting it to system, the cylinder shall be securely fastened in place.
When cylinders are not in use their outlet valves shall be kept closed.
Cylinders when exhausted shall have their outlet valves closed.
Nothing shall be stored in the metal enclosure except liquefied petroleum gas cylinders and permanently fastened parts of the system.
Valve protecting caps, if provided, shall be firmly fixed in place on all cylinders not attached to the system. Caps for cylinders in use may remain in the cylinder enclosure if rigidly fastened thereto.
The opening to the cylinder enclosure shall be closed at all times except when access is required to change cylinders or maintain equipment.
Close master valve whenever gas-consuming appliance is not in use.
No smoking is permitted in the vicinity of the cylinder enclosure when access to enclosure is open.
Test system for leakage in accordance with the following procedure: With appliance valve closed, the master shutoff valve on the appliance open, and with one cylinder valve open, note pressure in the gage. Close cylinder valve. The pressure should remain constant for at least 10 minutes. If the pressure drops, locate leakage by application of liquid detergent or soapy water solution at all connections. Never use flame to check for leaks. Repeat test for each cylinder in a multicylinder system.
Report any presence of gas odor to