(a) Cylinders, regulating and safety equipment.
Cylinders, regulating and safety equipment shall be installed in a substantially constructed and firmly fixed metal enclosure located on or above the weather deck. The cylinder enclosure shall have access from the weather deck only. The enclosure shall be provided with top and bottom ventilation consisting of a fresh air inlet pipe and an exhaust pipe both entering through the top of the cylinder housing. The enclosure shall be constructed so that when the access opening is closed, no gas can escape except through the ventilation system.
Cylinders, regulating and safety devices shall be securely fastened and supported within the metal enclosure. The cylinders and high pressure equipment shall be so mounted as to be readily accessible and capable of easy removal for refilling and inspection. The stowage of high pressure equipment in the housing shall be such that the cylinder valves can be readily operated and the pressure gage dial be easily visible. Where possible cylinders shall be mounted in an upright position.
Stowage of unconnected spare cylinders, filled or empty, shall comply with the requirements for cylinders.
All valves, manifolds and regulators shall be securely mounted in locations readily accessible for inspection, maintenance and testing, and shall be adequately protected.
Discharge of the safety relief valves shall be vented away from the cylinder, and insofar as practicable, upward into the open atmosphere, but in all cases so as to prevent impingement of the escaping gas onto a cylinder.
(b) Piping.
All piping shall be installed so as to provide minimum interior runs and adequate flexibility. The piping at the cylinder outlets shall be fitted with flexible metallic connections to minimize the effect of cylinder movement on the outlet piping.
Distribution lines shall be protected from physical damage and be readily accessible for inspection. Lines shall be substantially secured against vibration by means of soft nonferrous metal clips without sharp edges in contact with the tubing. When passing through decks or bulkheads, the lines shall be protected by ferrules of nonabrasive material. The distribution lines shall be continuous length of tubes from the regulator to the shutoff valve at the appliance manifold.
(c) Gas-consuming appliances.
All gas-consuming appliances shall be permanently and securely fastened in place.
(d) Electrical.
No electrical connections shall be made within the cylinder housing.