Production test plates shall be provided for Class I, Class I-L, Class II, and Class II-L pressure vessels are specified in this section.
Main power boilers shall meet the test plate requirements for Class I pressure vessels.
Test plates are not required for heating boilers or Class III pressure vessels. Test plates are not required for main power boilers or pressure vessels constructed of P-1 material as listed in QW 422 of the ASME Code whose welded joints are fully radiographed as required by Part 52 or 54 of this subchapter as applicable except when toughness tests are required in accordance with § 57.06-5. When toughness tests are required all prescribed production tests shall be performed.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18872, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 69-127, 35 FR 9980, June 17, 1970; CGD 72-206R, 38 FR 17229, June 29, 1973; CGD 74-102, 40 FR 27461, June 30, 1975; CGD 95-012, 60 FR 48050, Sept. 18, 1995]