The provisions in this subpart shall apply to inspection in lieu of 136 of ASME B31.1 (incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 56.01-2 ).
Prior to initial operation, a piping installation shall be inspected to the extent necessary to assure compliance with the engineering design, and with the material, fabrication, assembly and test requirements of ASME B31.1, as modified by this subchapter. This inspection is the responsibility of the owner and may be performed by employees of the owner or of an engineering organization employed by the owner, together with the marine inspector.
[CGFR 68-82, 33 FR 18843, Dec. 18, 1968, as amended by CGFR 69-127, 35 FR 9979, June 17, 1970; USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65185, Oct. 31, 2008]