This section applies to fixed piping installed for the distribution of oxygen and acetylene carried in cylinders as vessels stores.
The distribution piping shall be of at least standard wall thickness and shall include a means, located as close to the supply cylinders as possible, of regulating the pressure from the supply cylinders to the suitable pressure at the outlet stations.
Acetylene distribution piping and pipe fittings must be seamless steel. Copper alloys containing less than 65 percent copper may be used in connection with valves, regulators, gages, and other equipment used with acetylene.
Oxygen distribution piping and pipe fittings must be seamless steel or copper.
When more than two cylinders are connected to a manifold, the supply pipe between each cylinder and manifold shall be fitted with a non-return valve.
Except for the cylinder manifolds, acetylene is not to be piped at a pressure in excess of 100 kPa (14.7 psi).
Pipe joints on the low pressure side of the regulators shall be welded.
Branch lines shall not run through unventilated spaces or accommodation spaces.
Relief valves or rupture discs shall be installed as relief devices in the piping system if the maximum design pressure of the piping system can be exceeded. The relief device set pressure shall not exceed the maximum design pressure of the piping system. Relief devices shall discharge to a location in the weather at least 3 m (10 ft) from sources of ignition or openings to spaces or tanks.
Outlet stations are to be provided with suitable protective devices which will prevent the back flow of gas into the supply lines and prevent the passage of flame into the supply lines.
Shutoff valves shall be fitted at each outlet.
[CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51201, Sept. 30, 1997]