(a) Necessary qualifications.
To be eligible for an ocean transportation intermediary license, the applicant must demonstrate to the Commission that:
It possesses the necessary experience, that is, its qualifying individual has a minimum of three (3) years experience in ocean transportation intermediary activities in the United States, and the necessary character to render ocean transportation intermediary services. A foreign NVOCC seeking to be licensed under this part must demonstrate that its qualifying individual has a minimum 3 years' experience in ocean transportation intermediary activities, and the necessary character to render ocean transportation intermediary services; and
It has obtained and filed with the Commission a valid bond, proof of insurance, or other surety in conformance with § 515.21.
An NVOCC with a tariff and proof of financial responsibility in effect as of April 30, 1999, may continue to operate as an NVOCC without the requisite three years' experience and necessary character to render ocean transportation intermediary services and will be provisionally licensed while the Commission reviews its application. Such person designated as the qualifying individual for a provisionally licensed NVOCC may not act as a qualifying individual for another ocean transportation intermediary until it has obtained the necessary three years' experience in ocean transportation intermediary services.
(b) Qualifying individual.
The following individuals must qualify the applicant for a license:
(1) Sole proprietorship.
The applicant sole proprietor.
(2) Partnership.
At least one of the active managing partners, but all partners must execute the application.
(3) Corporation.
At least one of the active corporate officers.
(c) Affiliates of intermediaries.
An independently qualified applicant may be granted a separate license to carry on the business of providing ocean transportation intermediary services even though it is associated with, under common control with, or otherwise related to another ocean transportation intermediary through stock ownership or common directors or officers, if such applicant submits: a separate application and fee, and a valid instrument of financial responsibility in the form and amount prescribed under § 515.21. The qualifying individual of one active licensee shall not also be designated as the qualifying individual of an applicant for another ocean transportation intermediary license, unless both entities are commonly owned or where one directly controls the other.
(d) Common carrier.
A common carrier or agent thereof which meets the requirements of this part may be licensed to dispatch shipments moving on other than such carrier's own bills of lading subject to the provisions of § 515.42(g).
[64 FR 11171, Mar. 8, 1999; 64 FR 23020, Apr. 29, 1999, as amended at 65 FR 15254, Mar. 22, 2000]