Civilian preference cargo shall be considered to be carried at a premium rate unless carried:
At the tariff commodity rate published in a conference tariff or at the stated minimum level or floor rate for an open-rated commodity published in a conference tariff, Provided, That the international rate conference issuing such tariff commodity rate, stated minimum level, or floor rate has at least one foreign-flag carrier as a voting member, or
At a rate or tariff agreement rate, or at the stated minimum level or floor rate for an open-rated commodity, established by a rate making group other than an international rate conference, Provided, That such rate making group has at least one foreign-flag carrier as a voting member, or
At a rate approximately the same as or less, or at a rate that the subsidized operator by use of indices or other mechanism can demonstrate is reasonably equated to or less, than a rate quoted or actually charged by a foreign-flag carrier for the same commodity with the same or a competitive origin and destination and within a reasonably similar time period. This paragraph is applicable to, but is not limited to, rates:
Established by a conference or other rate making group that has only U.S. flag carriers as voting members;
Quoted by an individual member of an international rate conference or other rate making group with permits an individual member to negotiate or otherwise establish its own rate; or
Quoted by a carrier and not published in any conference tariff.