Table 199.630(a)—Alternative Requirements for Passenger Vessels in a Specified Service
199.60(c): Distress signals |
No Alternative |
No Alternative |
199.630(b) |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable. |
199.100(c): Person in charge of survival craft |
No Alternative |
199.630(l) |
199.630(l) |
199.630(l) |
199.630(l) |
199.100(d): Lifeboat second-in-command |
No Alternative |
No Alternative |
199.630(m) |
199.630(m) |
Not Applicable. |
199.201(b): Number and type of survival craft carried |
199.630(c) or 199.630(d)2
199.630(c) or 199.630(d)2 or 199.630(e) or 199.630(f)2 or 199.630(g)2 3 or 199.630(h)4
199.630(c) or 199.630(d) or 199.630(e) or 199.630(f)2 or 199.630(g) or 199.630(h)4
199.630(c) or 199.630(e) or 199.630(f) or 199.630(g) or 199.630(h)4. |
199.202: Rescue boat approval series |
No Alternative |
No Alternative |
No Alternative |
199.630(i). |
199.203: Marshaling of liferafts |
No Alternative |
199.630(j) |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable. |
199.211(a): Quantity of lifebuoys |
No Alternative |
199.630(k) |
199.630(k) |
199.630(k) |
199.630(k). |
1 Alternative applies if the vessel operates on a route no more than 50 nautical miles from shore. |
2 Alternative applies if the vessel is a ferry or has no overnight accommodations for passengers. |
3 Alternative applies during periods of the year the vessel operates in warm water. |
4 Alternative applies if the vessel operates in shallow water not more than 3 miles from shore where the vessel cannot sink deep enough to submerge the topmost deck. |
5 Alternative applies if the vessel operates on sheltered lakes or harbors. |