195.11-25—Loading and stowage.
Vans required to be inspected and bearing a current inspection stamp may be accepted for loading and stowage by the master of the vessel who shall insure that the van is in good condition.
Vans containing scientific equipment and nonhazardous stores may be accepted by the master of the vessel subject to his inspection to determine that electrical and pressure connections are in good condition and adequate for the service intended.
The master shall insure that all vans are securely stowed and attached to the vessel to prevent shifting in a seaway. Portable vans to be occupied during the vessel's operation shall be securely attached to the vessel by welding, bolting, or equivalent means.
Vans shall be located with due regard to access and to prevent recirculation of the discharge from the exhaust systems of the vessel.
The loading of vans shall be in accordance with the stability requirements of the vessel.
Prior to a vessel's departure, an entry shall be made in the official logbook for each portable van placed on board that such van and its stowage are in compliance with the applicable requirements in this subchapter.