When, in consideration for a particular operation, compressed gases are needed within the laboratory, the cylinders may be temporarily installed in the laboratory, provided no more than one (1) cylinder of each gas is in the laboratory simultaneously. When transporting compressed gas cylinders to, from, or within the vessel, the cylinder valves shall be capped or otherwise protected in accordance with 49 CFR 173.301(g).
Cylinders temporarily installed in the laboratory shall be securely stowed for sea. Appropriate safety signs shall be displayed and safety precautions observed.
Oxygen and acetylene cylinders for use in ship's maintenance shall not be stored in the laboratory.
Systems providing gas for bunsen burners or similar semipermanent/permanent installations shall be installed in accordance with subpart 195.03 of part 195.
[CGFR 67-83, 33 FR 1151, Jan. 27, 1968, as amended by CGD 86-033, 53 FR 36027, Sept. 16, 1988]