Chemical and scientific laboratories shall be considered service areas, and as such shall be subject to the applicable requirements of § 190.07-10(d).
Incombustible materials shall be used, insofar as is reasonable and practicable, for permanently installed laboratory furnishings and equipment, such as desks, file and storage cabinets, waste paper baskets, work benches, chair frames, etc. Working surfaces where chemical stores are used shall be of incombustible material.
Combustible materials may be used for other working surfaces and for temporary furnishings and equipment installed to facilitate a specific scientific mission.
Storage of all equipment, materials, etc., and cleanliness shall be consistent with sound laboratory practices. All items shall be securely stowed.
Provision shall be made for rapid removal of chemical spills and protection of the deck. In areas where chemicals will commonly be used, the deck shall be covered with a nonskid masonry or other suitably resistant material so fashioned that spillage will be contained and easily removed.
The access doors to the laboratory shall bear the inscription “Chemical Laboratory”, or “Scientific Laboratory”, in lettering meeting requirements of § 194.10-35(a).