179.360—Watertight integrity.
A hatch exposed to the weather must be watertight, except that the following hatches may be weathertight:
A hatch on a watertight trunk that extends at least 305 millimeters (12 inches) above the weather deck;
A hatch in a cabin top; and
A hatch on a vessel that operates only on protected waters.
Have securing devices; and
Be attached to the hatch frame or coaming by hinges, captive chains, or other devices of substantial strength to prevent its loss.
A hatch cover that provides access to accommodation spaces must be operable from either side.
A weathertight door must be provided for each opening located in a deck house or companionway. Permanent watertight coamings must be provided as follows:
On a vessel on an exposed or partially protected route, a watertight coaming with a height of at least 150 millimeters (6 inches) must be provided under each weathertight door in a cockpit or a well, or on the main deck of a flush deck vessel.
On a vessel on a protected route, a watertight coaming with a height of at least 75 millimeters (3 inches) must be provided under each weathertight door in a cockpit or a well.
The height of the watertight coaming for a hinged watertight door need only be sufficient to accommodate the door.