A vessel must be in the condition specified in this paragraph when a simplified stability proof test is performed.
The construction of the vessel must be complete in all respects.
Ballast, if necessary, must be in compliance with § 178.510 and must be on board and in place.
Each fuel and water tank must be approximately three-quarters full.
A weight equal to the total weight of all passengers, crew, and other loads permitted on the vessel must be on board and distributed so as to provide normal operating trim and to simulate the vertical center of gravity causing the least stable condition that is likely to occur in service. Unless otherwise specified, weight and vertical center of gravity is assumed to be as follows:
The weight of primary lifesaving equipment should be simulated at its normal location, if not on board at the time of the test;
The weight of one person is considered to be 72.6 kilograms (160 pounds) except the weight of one person is considered to be 63.5 kilograms (140 pounds) if the vessel operates exclusively on protected waters and the passenger load consists of men, women, and children;
The vertical center for the simulated weight of passengers, crew, and other loads must be at least 760 millimeters (2.5 feet) above the deck; and
If the vessel carries passengers on diving excursions, the total weight of diving gear must be included in the loaded condition as follows:
The total weight of individual diving gear for each passenger carried is assumed to be 36 kilograms (80 pounds), which includes the weight of scuba tanks, harness, regulator, weight belt, wet suit, mask, and other personal diving equipment; and
The weight of any air compressors carried.
On vessels having one upper deck above the main deck available to passengers, the weight distribution must not be less severe than the following:
All non-return closures on cockpit scuppers or on weather deck drains must be kept open during the test.
A vessel must not exceed the limitations in paragraph (f) of this section, when subjected to the greater of the following heeling moments:
Code of Federal Regulations
Mp = (W) (Bp)/6; or
Code of Federal Regulations
Mw = (P) (A) (H)
For sailing vessels the heeling moment used for this test must be the greater of the following:
Passenger heeling moment from paragraph (b) of this section.
Wind heeling moment from paragraph (b) of this section.
Wind heeling moment calculated from the wind heeling moment equation in paragraph (b) of this section, where:
A vessel must not exceed the following limits of heel:
On a flush deck vessel, not more than one-half of the freeboard may be immersed.
On a well deck vessel, not more than one-half of the freeboard may be immersed, except that, on a well deck vessel that operates on protected waters and has non-return scuppers or freeing ports, the full freeboard may be immersed if the full freeboard is not more than one-quarter of the distance from the waterline to the gunwale.
On a cockpit vessel, the maximum allowable immersion is calculated from the following equation:
On protected or partially protected waters—
On an open boat, not more than one quarter of the freeboard may be immersed.
On a flush deck sailing vessel, the full freeboard may be immersed.
In no case may the angle of heel exceed 14 degrees.
The limits of heel must be measured at:
The point of minimum freeboard; or
At a point three-quarters of the vessel's length from the bow if the point of minimum freeboard is aft of this point.
When demonstrating compliance with paragraph (d) of this section, the freeboard must be measured as follows:
For a flush deck or well deck vessel, the freeboard must be measured to the top of the weatherdeck at the side of the vessel; and
For a cockpit vessel or for an open boat, the freeboard must be measured to the top of the gunwale.
A ferry must also be tested in a manner acceptable to the cognizant OCMI to determine whether the trim or heel during loading or unloading will submerge the deck edge. A ferry passes this test if, with the total number of passengers and the maximum vehicle weight permitted on board, the deck edge is not submerged during loading or unloading of the vessel.
[CGD 85-080, 61 FR 966, Jan. 10, 1996; 61 FR 20557, May 7, 1996, as amended at 62 FR 51356, Sept. 30, 1997; 62 FR 64306, Dec. 5, 1997]