A vessel, except a pontoon vessel operating on protected waters, must undergo a simplified stability proof test in accordance with § 178.330 of this part in the presence of a Coast Guard marine inspector.
A pontoon vessel operating on protected waters must undergo a simplified stability proof test in accordance with § 178.340 of this part in the presence of a Coast Guard marine inspector.
The cognizant OCMI may dispense with the simplified stability proof test in § 178.330 for a vessel carrying not more than 49 passengers where it can be established that, due to the form, arrangement, construction, number of decks, route, and operating restrictions of the vessel, the vessel's stability can be safely determined without such a test. Vessels which carry deck cargo must undergo a simplified stability proof test.
A vessel whose stability is questioned by the cognizant OCMI must be shown by design calculations to meet the applicable stability criteria of §§ 170.170, 170.173, and 171.050 in subchapter S of this chapter in each condition of loading and operation.
A simplified stability proof test in accordance with § 178.330 is conducted to determine if a vessel, as built and operated, has a minimum level of initial stability. Failure of the simplified test does not necessarily mean that the vessel lacks stability for the intended route, service, and operating condition, but that calculations or other methods must be used to evaluate the stability of the vessel.
[CGD 85-080, 61 FR 966, Jan. 10, 1996; 61 FR 20557, May 7, 1996]