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169.567—Portable extinguishers.

(a) The minimum number of portable fire extinguishers required on each vessel is determined by the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, in accordance with Table 169.567(a) and other provisions of this subpart.
Table 169.567(a)
Space protected Total number extinguishers required Type extinguishers permitted Coast Guard classification
Medium Minimum size
Living space and open boats 1 per 1000 cu. ft. of space Halon 1211 of 1301 21/2 pounds
Foam 11/4 gallons
Carbon dioxide 4 pounds B-I.
Dry chemical 2 pounds
Propulsion machinery space with fixed CO2 or halon system 1 Foam 11/4 gallons
Carbon dioxide 4 pounds B-I.
Dry chemical 2 pounds
Halon 1211 or 1301 21/2 pounds
Propulsion machinery space without fixed CO2 or halon system 2 Foam 21/2 gallons
Carbon dioxide 15 pounds B-II.
Dry chemical 10 pounds
Halon 1211 or 1301 10 pounds
Galley (without fixed system) 1 per 500 cu. ft Foam 21/2 gallons
Carbon dioxide 15 pounds B-II.
Code of Federal Regulations 62
Dry chemical 10 pounds
Halon 1211 or 1301 10 pounds
(b) The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may permit the use of any approved fire extinguishers, including semiportable extinguishers, which provide equivalent fire protection.
(c) All portable fire extinguishers installed on vessels must be of an approved type.
(d) Portable fire extinguishers must be stowed in a location convenient to the space protected.
(e) Portable fire extinguishers must be installed and located to the satisfaction of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
(f) Portable fire extinguishers which are required to be protected from freezing must not be located where freezing temperatures may be expected.
(g) Each vessel must carry spare charges for at least 50 percent of each size and variety of hand portable extinguishers required. For units that can not be readily recharged on the vessel, one spare extinguisher for each classification carried onboard must be provided in lieu of spare charges.
[CGD 83-005, 51 FR 897, Jan. 9, 1986; 51 FR 3785, Jan. 30, 1986]