(a) Specifications.
The following specification and standard, of the issue in effect on the date the plastic foam material is manufactured, form a part of this subpart:
Military specification:
Federal specification:
(b) Copies on file.
Copies of the specifications and standards referred to in this section shall be kept on file by the plastic foam manufacturer with this subpart.
The Federal Specification and the Federal Standard may be purchased from the Business Service Center, General Services Administration, Washington, DC, 20407.
The Military Specification may be obtained from the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 19120.
The A.S.T.M. Standard may be purchased from the American Society for Testing Materials, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
[CGFR 65-37, 30 FR 11593, Sept. 10, 1965, as amended by CGFR 65-64, 31 FR 563 Jan. 18, 1966; USCG-1999-5151, 64 FR 67186, Dec. 1, 1999]