Manufacturers having a surfacing material which they consider has characteristics suitable for general use on merchant vessels may make application for listing and labeling as an interior finish by addressing a request directly to a recognized laboratory. The laboratory will inform the submitter as to the requirements for inspection, examinations, and testing necessary for such listing and labeling. The request shall include a permission for the laboratory to furnish a complete test report together with a description of the quality control procedures to the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard.
The U.S. Coast Guard will review the test report and quality control procedures to determine if the approval requirements have been met. If this is the case, the Commandant will notify the laboratory that the material is approved and that when the material is listed and labeled it may be marked as being U.S. Coast Guard approved. Notice of U.S. Coast Guard approval will be published in CG-190.
If disagreements concerning procedural, technical or inspection questions arise over U.S. Coast Guard approval requirements the opinion of the Commandant shall be requested by the laboratory.
The manufacturer may at any time request clarification or advice from the Commandant on any question which may arise regarding manufacturing and approval of approved devices.
[CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19967, Dec. 30, 1970]