(a) General.
Fire-protective systems covered by this subpart shall include, but not be limited to, automatic fire and smoke detecting systems, manual fire alarm systems, sample extraction smoke detection systems, watchman's supervisory systems, and combinations of these systems.
(b) Automatic fire detecting systems.
For the purpose of this subpart, automatic fire and smoke detecting systems will be considered to consist of normal and emergency power supplies, a fire detecting control unit, fire detectors, smoke detectors, and audible and visual alarms distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other system not indicating fire.
(c) Manual fire alarm systems.
For the purpose of this subpart, manual fire alarm systems will be considered to consist of normal and emergency power supplies, a fire alarm control unit, manual fire alarm boxes, and audible and visual alarms distinct in both respects from the alarms of any other system not indicating fire. Manual fire alarm systems are usually combined with automatic fire detecting systems.
(d) Sample extraction smoke detection systems.
For the purpose of this subpart, Sample extraction smoke detection systems will be considered to consist of a control unit, a blower box, and a piping system to conduct air samples from the protected spaces to the control unit.
(e) Watchman's supervisory systems.
For the purpose of this subpart, a watchman's supervisory equipment will be considered to be apparatus, either electrical or mechanical, used to verify the presence of watchmen and the regular performance of their assigned duties.
[CGFR 56-39, 21 FR 9032, Nov. 21, 1956, as amended by CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19966, Dec. 30, 1970; CGD 94-108, 61 FR 28292, June 4, 1996]