The content and form of shipping articles for each vessel of the United States of 100 gross tons or more upon a foreign or intercoastal voyage must conform to the present shipping articles, form CG-705A, which meets the requirements of 46 U.S.C. 10302, 10303, 10304, and 10305. The articles must identify the nature of the voyage and specify at least the name, the license, MMD, or MMC number, the capacity of service, the time due on board to begin work, and the name and address of the next of kin of, and the wages due to each merchant mariner, either who was discharged or whose services were otherwise terminated during the month.
The content and form of articles for each such vessel upon a coastwise voyage (including a voyage on the Great Lakes) must also conform to the present shipping articles, form CG-705A, which meet the requirements of 46 U.S.C. 10502. The articles must specify at least the matter identified by paragraph (a)(1) of this section, except that they must not specify the wages due to the mariner. The wages section of the form shall be left blank for coastwise voyages.
Any shipping company that manually prepares the articles may, upon request, obtain Shipping Articles, Form CG-705A, from any Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection (OCMI), of the Coast Guard.
Any company that electronically prepares the articles may, upon request submitted to either address in § 14.103, obtain a copy of software developed by the Coast Guard to produce articles in the proper format. Alternatively, a company may develop its own software or buy it off the shelf; but, in either of these cases, it must secure approval of the software from the National Maritime Center at either address in § 14.103.
[CGD 94-004, 61 FR 56637, Nov. 4, 1996, as amended by USCG-2006-24371, 74 FR 11260, Mar. 16, 2009]