131.860—Rigid liferafts.
The following must be plainly marked or painted, near one entrance of each rigid liferaft:
The name of the vessel.
For each vessel in ocean service, the name of the port whose marking on the stern is required by § 67.123 of this chapter.
The length of the painter must be plainly marked or painted, near one entrance of each rigid liferaft.
The number of persons the rigid liferaft is approved for must be plainly marked or painted, over each entrance to each raft, in letters and numbers at least 102 millimeters (4 inches) high and in a color contrasting to that of the raft. This number must—
Be the number of persons the rigid liferaft is equipped for; and
Not be greater than the number of persons the rigid liferaft is approved for, as shown on its nameplate.
The rigid liferaft must be marked with the words “SOLAS A pack” or “SOLAS B pack”, to reflect the pack inside.