129.330—Distribution panels and switchboards.
Each distribution panel or switchboard must be in a location as dry as practicable, accessible, adequately ventilated, and protected from falling debris and dripping or splashing water.
Each distribution panel or switchboard must be totally enclosed and of the dead-front type.
Each switchboard must have nonconductive handrails.
Each switchboard or main distribution panel must be fitted with a dripshield, unless the switchboard or distribution panel is of a type mounted deck-to-overhead and is not subject to falling objects or liquids from above.
Each distribution panel and switchboard accessible from the rear must be constructed to prevent a person's accidental contact with energized parts.
Working space must be provided around each main distribution panel and switchboard of at least 610 millimeters (24 inches) in front of the switchboard and, of at least 460 millimeters (18 inches) from the nearest bulkhead, stiffener, or frame behind the switchboard. Rear access is prohibited when the working space behind the switchboard is less than 460 millimeters (18 inches).
Nonconductive mats or grating must be provided on the deck in front of each switchboard and, if the switchboard is accessible from the rear, on the deck behind the switchboard.
Each uninsulated current-carrying part must be mounted on noncombustible, nonabsorbent, high-dielectric insulating material.
Equipment mounted on a hinged door of an enclosure must be constructed or shielded so that no person will come into accidental contact with energized parts of the door-mounted equipment when the door is open and the circuit energized.
Bus capacity of switchboards and main distribution panels must be sized in accordance with § 111.30-19(a) of this chapter. Panelboards must have current rating of not less than the feeder-circuit capacity.