Where two or more transmitters, located on or on top of, or on the wings of, the navigating bridge operate a common indicator in the engineroom, the transmitters must:
Operate in synchronism as required in paragraph (b) of this section; or
Operate under the control of a transmitter transfer control in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
All transmitter handles and pointers must operate in synchronism. Where the transmitters are mechanically interlocked to effect synchronous operation, the requirements of § 113.35-13 must be met.
Except for a transmitter in an unattended navigating bridge on a double-ended vessel, each transmitter must operate under the control of a transmitter transfer control so that movement of any one transmitter handle automatically connects that transmitter electrically to the engineroom indicator and simultaneously disconnects electrically all other transmitters. The reply pointers of all transmitters must operate in synchronism at all times.
On a double-ended vessel that has two navigating bridges, a manually operated transfer switch which will disconnect the system in the unattended navigating bridge must be provided.
[CGD 74-125A, 47 FR 15272, Apr. 8, 1982. Redesignated and amended by CGD 94-108, 61 FR 28290, June 4, 1996]