(a) Construction and testing.
Each flexible cord and cable must meet the requirements in section 24.6.1 of IEEE 45-2002, Article 400 of NFPA NEC 2002, NEMA WC-3, NEMA WC-70, or UL 62 (all five standards incorporated by reference; see 46 CFR 110.10-1 ).
(b) Application.
No flexible cord may be used except:
As allowed under Sections 400-7 and 400-8 of NFPA NEC 2002; and
In accordance with Table 400-4 in NFPA NEC 2002.
(c) Allowable current-carrying capacity.
No flexible cord may carry more current than allowed under Table 400-5 in NFPA NEC 2002, NEMA WC-3, or NEMA WC-70.
(d) Conductor size.
Each flexible cord must be No. 18 AWG (0.82 mm 2) or larger.
(e) Splices.
Each flexible cord and cable must be without splices or taps except for a cord or cable No. 12 AWG (3.3 mm 2) or larger spliced for repairs in accordance with § 111.60-19.
(f) Pull at joints and terminals.
Each flexible cord and cable must be connected to a device or fitting by a knot, tape, or special fitting so that tension is not transmitted to joints or terminal screws.
[CGD 74-125A, 47 FR 15236, Apr. 8, 1982, as amended by CGD 94-108, 61 FR 28281, June 4, 1996; USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65198, Oct. 31, 2008]