As used in this Subpart:
Ships's service loads mean electrical equipment for all auxiliary services necessary for maintaining the vessel in a normal, operational and habitable condition. Ship's service loads include, but are not limited to, all safety, lighting, ventilation, navigational, communications, habitability, and propulsion auxiliary loads. Electrical propulsion motor, bow thruster motor, cargo transfer, drilling, cargo refrigeration for other than Class 5.2 organic peroxides and Class 4.1 self-reactive substances, and other industrial type loads are not included.
Drilling loads means all loads associated exclusively with the drilling operation including power to the drill table, mud system, and positioning equipment.
Code of Federal Regulations
[CGD 74-125A, 47 FR 15236, Apr. 8, 1982, as amended by CGD 94-108, 61 FR 28276, June 4, 1996; 62 FR 23907, May 1, 1997]