Certain material is incorporated by reference into this subchapter with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. To enforce any edition other than that specified in this section, the Coast Guard must publish notice of change in the Federal Register and the material must be available to the public. The word “should,” when used in material incorporated by reference, is to be construed the same as the words “must” or “shall” for the purposes of this subchapter. All approved material is available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. The material is also available for inspection at the U.S. Coast Guard, Office of Design and Engineering Standards (CG-521), 2100 2nd St. SW., Stop 7126, Washington, DC 20593-7126, and is available from the sources listed below.
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Drive, Houston, TX 77060:
Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, Part 4 Vessel Systems and Machinery (2003) (“ABS Steel Vessel Rules”), 110.15-1; 111.01-9; 111.12-3; 111.12-5; 111.12-7; 111.33-11; 111.35-1; 111.70-1; 111.105-31; 111.105-39; 111.105-40; 113.05-7; and
Rules for Building and Classing Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, Part 4 Machinery and Systems (2001) (“ABS MODU Rules”), 111.12-1; 111.12-3; 111.12-5; 111.12-7; 111.33-11; 111.35-1; 111.70-1.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036:
ANSI/IEEE C37.12-1991, American National Standard for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis-Specifications Guide (1991) (“ANSI/IEEE C37.12”), 111.54-1; and
ANSI/IEEE C37.27-1987 (IEEE Std 331) Application Guide for Low-Voltage AC Nonintegrally Fused Power Circuitbreakers (Using Separately Mounted Current-Limiting Fuses) (1987) (“ANSI/IEEE C37.27”), 111.54-1;
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5990:
ASME A17.1-2000 Part 2 Electric Elevators (2000) (“ASME A17.1”), 111.91-1; and
ASTM International (formerly American Society for Testing and Materials) (ASTM), 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959:
ASTM B 117-97, Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) Apparatus (“ASTM B 117”), 110.15-1; and
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IEEE), IEEE Service Center, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854:
IEEE Std C37.04-1999, IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers (1999) (“IEEE C37.04”), 111.54-1;
IEEE Std C37.010-1999 IEEE Application Guide for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis (1999) (“IEEE C37.010”), 111.54-1;
IEEE Std C37.13-1990 IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (Oct. 22, 1990) (“IEEE C37.13”), 111.54-1;
IEEE Std C37.14-2002 IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage DC Power Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures (Apr. 25, 2003) (“IEEE C37.14”), 111.54-1;
IEEE Std 45-1998 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Installations on Shipboard—1998 (Oct. 19, 1998) (“IEEE 45-1998”), 111.30-19; 111.105-3; 111.105-31; 111.105-41;
IEEE Std 45-2002 IEEE Recommended Practice for Electrical Installations On Shipboard—2002 (Oct. 11, 2002) (“IEEE 45-2002”), 111.05-7; 111.15-2; 111.30-1; 111.30-5; 111.33-3; 111.33-5; 111.40-1; 111.60-1; 111.60-3; 111.60-5; 111.60-11; 111.60-13; 111.60-19; 111.60-21; 111.60-23; 111.75-5; 113.65-5;
IEEE 100, The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms, Seventh Edition (2000) (“IEEE 100”), 110.15-1;
IEEE Std 1202-1991, IEEE Standard for Flame Testing of Cables for Use in Cable Tray in Industrial and Commercial Occupancies (May 29, 1991) (“IEEE 1202”), 111.60-6; 111.107-1; and
IEEE Std 1580-2001, IEEE Recommended Practice for Marine Cable for Use on Shipboard and Fixed or Floating Platforms (Dec. 17, 2001) (“IEEE 1580”), 111.60-1; 111.60-2; 111.60-3.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 3 Rue de Varembe, Geneva, Switzerland:
IEC 68-2-52, Environmental Testing Part 2: Tests—Test Kb: Salt Mist, Cyclic (Sodium Chloride Solution), Second Edition (1996) (“IEC 68-2-52”), 110.15-1;
IEC 60331-11 Tests for electric cables under fire conditions—Circuit integrity— Part 11: Apparatus—Fire alone at a flame temperature of at least 750 °C, First Edition (1999) (“IEC 60331-11”), 113.30-25;
IEC 60331-21 Tests for Electric Cables Under Fire Conditions—Circuit Integrity— Part 21: Procedures and Requirements—Cables of Rated Voltage up to and Including 0.6/1.0kV, First Edition (1999) (“IEC 60331-21”), 113.30-25;
IEC 332-1 Tests on Electric Cables Under Fire Conditions, Part 1: Test on a Single Vertical Insulated Wire or Cable, Third Edition (1993) (“IEC 332-1”), 111.30-19;
IEC 60332-3-22 Tests on Electric Cables Under Fire Conditions— Part 3-22: Test for Vertical Flame Spread of Vertically-Mounted Bunched Wires or Cables—Category A, First Edition (2000) (“IEC 60332-3-22”), 111.60-1; 111.60-2; 111.60-6; 111.107-1;
IEC 60079-0 Electrical apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 0: General Requirements (Edition 3.1) (2000) (“IEC 60079-0”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-1 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 1: Flameproof Enclosures “d” including corr.1, Fourth Edition (June 2001) (“IEC 60079-1”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-9; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-2 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 2: Pressurized Enclosures “p”, Fourth Edition (2001) (“IEC 60079-2”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-5 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 5: Powder Filling “q”, Second Edition (1997) (“IEC 60079-5”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-15; 111.105-17;
IEC 79-6 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 6: Oil Immersion “o”, Second Edition (1995) (“IEC 79-6”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-15; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-7 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 7: Increased Safety “e”, Third Edition (2001) (“IEC 60079-7”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-15; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-11 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 11: Intrinsic Safety “i”, Fourth Edition (1999) (“IEC 60079-11”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-11; 111.105-17;
IEC 60079-15 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 15: Type of Protection “n”, Second Edition (2001) (“IEC 60079-15”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-15; 111.105-17;
IEC 79-18 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres— Part 18: Encapsulation “m”, First Edition (1992) (“IEC 79-18”), 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-15; 111.105-17;
IEC 60092-101 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 101: Definitions and General Requirements, Edition 4.1 (2002) (“IEC 60092-101”), 110.15-1; 111.81-1;
IEC 92-201 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 201: System Design-General, Fourth Edition (1994) (“IEC 92-201”), 111.70-3; 111.81-1;
IEC 92-202 Amendment 1 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 202: System Design-Protection (1996) (“IEC 92-202”), 111.12-7; 111.50-3; 111.53-1; 111.54-1;
IEC 92-301 Amendment 2 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 301: Equipment-Generators and Motors, (1995) (“IEC 92-301”), 111.12-7; 111.25-5; 111.70-1;
IEC 60092-302 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 302: Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control Gear Assemblies, Fourth Edition (1997) (“IEC 60092-302”), 111.30-1; 111.30-5; 111.30-19;
IEC 92-303 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 303: Equipment-Transformers for Power and Lighting, Third Edition (1980) (“IEC 92-303”), 111.20-15;
IEC 92-304 Amendment 1 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 304: Equipment-Semiconductor Convertors (1995) (“IEC 92-304”), 111.33-3; 111.33-5;
IEC 92-306 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 306: Equipment-Luminaries and accessories, Third Edition (1980) (“IEC 92-306”), 111.75-20; 111.81-1;
IEC 60092-352 Electrical Installation in Ships—Choice and Installation of Cables for Low-Voltage Power Systems, Second Edition (1997) (“IEC 60092-352”), 111.60-3; 111.60-5; 111.81-1;
IEC 92-353 Electrical Installations in Ships— Part 353: Single and Multicore Non-Radial Field Power Cables with Extruded Solid Insulation for Rated Voltages 1kV and 3kV, Second Edition (1995) (“IEC 92-353”), 111.60-1; 111.60-3; 111.60-5;
IEC 92-401 Electrical Installations in Ships, Part 401: Installation and Test of completed Installation with amendment 1 (1987) and amendment 2 (1997), Third Edition (1980) (“IEC 92-401”), 111.05-9; 111.81-1;
IEC 60092-502 Electrical Installation in Ships, Part 502: Tankers—Special Features (1999) (“IEC 60092-502”), 111.81-1; 111.105-31;
IEC 92-503 Electrical installations in ships, Part 503: Special features: A.C. supply systems with voltages in the range of above 1kV up to and including 11kV, First Edition (1975) (“IEC 92-503”), 111.30-5;
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures (IP Code), Edition 2.1 (2001) (“IEC 60529”), 110.15-1; 111.01-9; 113.10-7; 113.20-3; 113.25-11; 113.30-25; 113.37-10; 113.40-10; 113.50-5;
IEC 60533 Electrical and Electronic Installations in Ships—Electromagnetic Compatibility, Second Edition (1999) (“IEC 60533”), 113.05-7;
IEC 60947-2 Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Part 2: Circuit-Breakers, Third Edition (2003) (“IEC 60947-2”), 111.54-1;
IEC 61363-1 Electrical Installations of Ships and Mobile and Fixed Offshore Units— Part 1: Procedures for Calculating Short-Circuit Currents in Three-Phase a.c., First Edition (1998) (“IEC 61363-1”), 111.52-5; and
IEC 62271-100, High-voltage switchgear and controlgear— part 100: High-voltage alternating current circuitbreakers, Edition 1.1 (2003) (“IEC 62271-100”), 111.54-1.
International Maritime Organization (IMO), Publications Section, 4 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7SR, United Kingdom:
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), Consolidated Text of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, and its Protocol of 1988: Article, Annexes and Certificates. (Incorporating all Amendments in Effect from January 2001) (2001) (“IMO SOLAS 74”), 111.99-5; 111.105-31; 112.15-1; 113.25-6.
International Society for Measurement and Control (ISA), 67 Alexander Drive, P.O. Box 12277, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709:
RP 12.6, Wiring Practices for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Instrumentation Part I: Intrinsic Safety, 1995 (“ISA RP 12.6”), 111.105-11; and
Lloyd's Register, 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS, Type Approval System-Test Specification Number 1 (2002), 113.05-7.
National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), 1300 North 17th Street, Arlington, VA 22209:
NEMA Standards Publication ICS 2-2000, Industrial Control and Systems Controllers, Contactors, and Overload Relays, Rated 600 Volts (2000) (“NEMA ICS 2”), 111.70-3;
NEMA Standards Publication ICS 2.3-1995, Instructions for the Handling, Installation, Operation, and Maintenance of Motor Control Centers Rated not More Than 600 Volts (1995) (“NEMA ICS 2.3”), 111.70-3;
NEMA Standards Publication No. ICS 2.4-2003, NEMA and IEC Devices for Motor Service—a Guide for Understanding the Differences (2003) (“NEMA ICS 2.4”), 111.70-3;
NEMA Standards Publication No. ANSI/NEMA 250-1997, Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts Maximum) (Aug. 30, 2001) (“NEMA 250”), 110.15-1; 111.01-9; 110.15-1; 113.10-7; 113.20-3; 113.25-11; 113.30-25; 113.37-10; 113.40-10; 113.50-5;
NEMA Standards Publication No. WC-3-1992, Rubber Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy, Revision 1, February 1994 (“NEMA WC-3”), 111.60-13; and
NEMA WC-70/ICEA S-95-658-1999 Standard for Non-Shielded Power Rated Cable 2000V or Less for the Distribution of Electrical Energy (1999) (“NEMA WC-70”), 111.60-13.
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169:
NEC 2002 (NFPA 70), National Electrical Code Handbook, Ninth Edition (2002) (“NFPA NEC 2002”), 111.05-33; 111.20-15; 111.25-5; 111.50-3; 111.50-7; 111.50-9; 111.53-1; 111.54-1; 111.55-1; 111.59-1; 111.60-7; 111.60-13; 111.60-23; 111.81-1; 111.105-1; 111.105-3; 111.105-5; 111.105-7; 111.105-9; 111.105-15; 111.105-17; 111.107-1;
NFPA 77, Recommended Practice on Static Electricity (2000) (“NFPA 77”), 111.105-27;
NFPA 99, Standard for Health Care Facilities (2005) (“NFPA 99”), 111.105-37; and
NFPA 496, Standard for Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (2003) (“NFPA 496”), 111.105-7.
Naval Publications and Forms Center (NPFC), Department of Defense, Single Stock Point, 700 Robins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111:
MIL-C-24640A, Military Specification Cables, Light Weight, Electric, Low Smoke, for Shipboard Use, General Specification for (1995) Supplement 1 (June 26, 1995) (“NPFC MIL-C-24640A”), 111.60-1; 111.60-3;
MIL-C-24643A, Military Specification Cables and Cords, Electric, Low Smoke, for Shipboard Use, General Specification for (1996) Amendment 2 (Mar. 13, 1996) (“NPFC MIL-C-24643A”), 111.60-1; 111.60-3; and
MIL-W-76D, Military Specification Wire and Cable, Hook-Up, Electrical, Insulated, General Specification for (2003) (Revision of MIL-W-76D-1992) Amendment 1-2003 (Feb. 6, 2003) (“NPFC MIL-W-76D”), 111.60-11.
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), Code 55Z, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362:
DDS 300-2, A.C. Fault Current Calculations, 1988 (“NAVSEA DDS 300-2”), 111.52-5; and
MIL-HDBK-299(SH), Military Handbook Cable Comparison Handbook Data Pertaining to Electric Shipboard Cable Notice 1-1991 (Revision of MIL-HDBK-299(SH) (1989)) (Oct. 15, 1991) (“NAVSEA MIL-HDBK-299(SH)”), 111.60-3; and
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL), 12 Laboratory Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3995:
UL 44, Standard for Thermoset-Insulated Wire and Cable, Fifteenth Edition, Mar. 22, 1999 (Revisions through and including May 13, 2002) (“UL 44”), 111.60-11;
UL 50, Standard for Safety Enclosures for Electrical Equipment, Eleventh Edition (Oct. 19, 1995) (“UL 50”), 111.81-1;
UL 62, Standard for Flexible Cord and Fixture Wire, Sixteenth Edition (Oct. 15, 1997) (“UL 62”), 111.60-13;
UL 83, Standard for Thermoplastic-Insulated Wires and Cables, Twelfth Edition (Sep. 29, 1998) (“UL 83”), 111.60-11;
UL 484, Standard for Room Air Conditioners, Seventh Edition, Apr. 27, 1993 (Revisions through and including Sep. 3, 2002) (“UL 484”), 111.87-3;
UL 489, Molded-Case Circuit Breakers, Molded-Case Switches, and Circuit-Breaker Enclosures, Ninth Edition, Oct. 31, 1996 (Revisions through and including Mar. 22, 2000) (“UL 489”), 111.01-15; 111.54-1;
UL 514A, Metallic Outlet Boxes, Ninth Edition (Dec. 27, 1996) (“UL 514A”), 111.81-1;
UL 514B, Conduit, Tubing, and Cable Fittings, Fourth Edition (Nov. 3, 1997) (“UL 514B”), 111.81-1;
UL 514C, Standard for Nonmetallic Outlet Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers, Second Edition (Oct. 31, 1988) (“UL 514C”), 111.81-1;
UL 913, Standard for Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and Associated Apparatus for Use in Class i, ii, and iii, Division 1, Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Sixth Edition, Aug. 8, 2002 (Revisions through and including Dec. 15, 2003) (“UL 913”), 111.105-11;
UL 1042, Standard for Electric Baseboard Heating Equipment (Apr. 11, 1994) (“UL 1042”), 111.87-3;
UL 1072, Standard for Medium-Voltage Power Cables, Third Edition, Dec. 28, 2001 (Revisions through and including Apr. 14, 2003) (“UL 1072”), 111.60-1;
UL 1104, Standard for Marine Navigation Lights, 1998 (“UL 1104”), 111.75-17;
UL 1203, Standard for Explosion-Proof and Dust-Ignition-Proof Electrical Equipment for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations, Third Edition, Sep. 7, 2000 (Revisions through and including Apr. 30, 2004) (“UL 1203”), 111.105-9;
UL 1309, Marine Shipboard Cables, First Edition (July 14, 1995) (“UL 1309”), 111.60-1; 111.60-3;
UL 1581 (May 6, 2003) (“UL 1581”), 111.30-19; 111.60-2; 111.60-6;
UL 1598, Luminaires, First Edition (Jan. 31, 2000) (“UL 1598”): 111.75-20; and
UL 1598A, Standard for Supplemental Requirements for Luminaires for Installation on Marine Vessels, First Edition (Dec. 4, 2000) (“UL 1598A”), 111.75-20.
[USCG-2003-16630, 73 FR 65193, Oct. 31, 2008, as amended by USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49234, Sept. 25, 2009]