10.231—Requirements for raises of grade or new endorsements.
This section applies to applicants who already hold a valid credential and want to make the following transaction(s):
Add a new endorsement; or
Raise of grade of an existing endorsement.
New endorsements or raises of grade of existing endorsements on an MMC under this section will not change the expiration date of the MMC unless the applicant renews all endorsements that appear on the MMC under § 10.227 of this part.
A complete application for a new endorsement or raise of grade must contain the following:
A completed, signed application;
Beginning April 15, 2009, proof that the mariner holds a valid TWIC;
All supplementary materials required to show that the mariner meets the mandatory requirements for the new endorsement(s) sought;
The mandatory requirements for officer endorsements are contained in part 11 of this chapter and paragraph (d) of this section.
The mandatory requirements for rating endorsements are contained in part 12 of this chapter.
The mandatory requirements for tankerman rating endorsements are contained in part 13 of this chapter.
The mandatory requirements for STCW endorsements are contained in parts 11 and 12 of this chapter and in the STCW Convention and Code (incorporated by reference, see § 10.103 ).
The appropriate fee as set forth in § 10.219 of this part ;
Any uncanceled MMD, MMC, license, STCW endorsement, or COR held by the applicant. If one or more of these credentials are still valid at the time of application, a photocopy—front, back, and all attachments—will satisfy this requirement. If the applicant submits a photocopy, upon the issuance of the new MMC, the applicant must surrender the old original credential to the Coast Guard. If requested in writing at the time of submission, the old MMD, MMC, license, COR, or STCW endorsement may be returned to the applicant after cancellation;
Applicants for the following endorsements must produce evidence of having passed a chemical test for dangerous drugs or of qualifying for an exemption from testing in § 16.220 of this subchapter:
Any officer endorsement; and
The first endorsement as able seaman, lifeboatman, qualified member of the engine department, or tankerman.
An applicant for an endorsement where sea service is required must produce discharges or other documentary evidence of service, indicating the name, tonnage, and horsepower of the vessels, dates of service, capacity in which the applicant served, and on what waters;
Applicants who have not submitted evidence within the past three years that they have passed all applicable vision, hearing, medical, and/or physical exams required in § 10.215 for the particular endorsement sought must submit proof, on a Coast Guard-approved form, that the applicant has passed those medical/physical tests and exams; and
Consent to a Coast Guard check of the NDR for offenses described in section 205(a)(3)(A) or (B) of the National Driver Register Act of 1982, as amended.
Additional requirements for an applicant seeking a raise of grade of an officer endorsement:
Sea service acquired before the issuance of an officer endorsement is generally not accepted as any part of the service required for a raise of grade of that endorsement. However, service acquired before issuance of an officer endorsement will be accepted for certain crossovers, endorsements, or increases in scope of an MMC, as appropriate. In the limited tonnage categories for deck officers, total accumulated service is a necessary criterion for most raises of grade; service acquired before the issuance of such officer endorsements will, therefore, be accepted.
No raise of grade may be issued to any naturalized citizen on less experience in any grade than would have been required of a citizen of the United States by birth.
Experience and service acquired on foreign vessels while holding a valid U.S. officer endorsement is creditable for establishing eligibility for a raise of grade, subject to evaluation by the Coast Guard to determine that it is a fair and reasonable equivalent to service acquired on merchant vessels of the United States, with respect to grade, tonnage, horsepower, waters, and operating conditions. An applicant who has obtained the qualifying experience on foreign vessels shall submit satisfactory documentary evidence of such service (including any necessary translations into English) in the forms prescribed by paragraph (c)(7) of this section.
An applicant remains eligible for a raise of grade while on probation as a result of action under part 5 of this chapter. A raise of grade issued to a person on probation will be subject to the same probationary conditions imposed against the applicant's other credentials. The offense for which he or she was placed on probation will be considered on the merits of the case in determining fitness to hold the endorsement applied for. No applicant will be examined for a raise of grade during any period when a suspension without probation or a revocation imposed under part 5 of this chapter is effective against the applicant's credential or while an appeal from these actions is pending.
(5) Professional examination.
When the Coast Guard finds an applicant's experience and training for raise of grade to be satisfactory, and the applicant is eligible in all other respects, the Coast Guard will authorize a professional examination.
Oral-assisted examinations may be administered in accordance with § 11.205(f) of this chapter. The Coast Guard will place in the applicant's file a record indicating the subjects covered.
The general instructions for administration of examinations and the lists of subjects for all officer endorsements appear in part 11, subpart I of this chapter.