10.225—Requirements for original merchant mariner credentials.
An applicant must apply as an original if the MMC sought is:
The first credential issued to the applicant;
The first credential issued to an applicant after their previous credential has expired and they do not hold a document of continuity under § 10.227(e) of this part or an equivalent unexpired continuity endorsement on their license or MMD; or
The first credential issued to an applicant after their previous credential was revoked pursuant to § 10.235 of this part.
A complete application for an original MMC must contain the following:
A completed, signed application;
Beginning April 15, 2009, proof that the mariner either holds a valid TWIC or has applied for a TWIC;
All supplementary materials required to show that the mariner meets the mandatory requirements for all endorsements sought;
The mandatory requirements for officer endorsements are contained in part 11 of this chapter.
The mandatory requirements for rating endorsements are contained in part 12 of this chapter.
For a tankerman rating endorsement, the applicant must also provide those documents or proofs required in part 13 of this chapter.
The mandatory requirements for STCW Endorsements are contained in parts 11 and 12 of this chapter and in the STCW Convention and Code (incorporated by reference, see § 10.103 ).
The appropriate fee as set forth in § 10.219 of this part ;
Evidence of having passed a chemical test for dangerous drugs or of qualifying for an exemption from testing in § 16.220 of this subchapter;
Discharges or other documentary evidence of service indicating the name, tonnage, and propulsion power of the vessels, dates of service, capacity in which the applicant served, and on what waters, where sea service is required;
Proof, documented on a form provided by the Coast Guard, that the applicant passed all applicable vision, hearing, medical, and/or physical exams as required by § 10.215 of this part.
Consent to a Coast Guard check of the NDR for offenses described in section 205(a)(3)(A) or (B) of the National Driver Register Act of 1982, as amended; and
The oath as required in paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Oath.
Every person who receives an original MMC must first take an oath, before an official authorized to give such an oath, that he or she will faithfully and honestly, according to his or her best skill and judgment, without concealment or reservation, perform all the duties required by law and obey all lawful orders of superior officers. An oath may be administered by any Coast Guard-designated individual or any person legally permitted to administer oaths in the jurisdiction where the person taking the oath resides. An oath administered at a location other than those listed in § 10.217 must be verified in writing by the administering official and submitted to the same REC where the applicant applied for his or her MMC. This oath remains binding for any subsequently issued MMC and endorsements added to the MMC, unless specifically renounced in writing.