672.4—Filing, service, and form of pleadings and documents.
(a) Filing of pleadings and documents.
Except as otherwise provided, the original and one copy of the complaint, and the original of the answer and of all other documents served in the proceeding, shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk.
A certificate of service shall accompany each document filed or served. Except as otherwise provided, a party filing documents with the Hearing Clerk, after the filing of the answer, shall serve copies thereof upon all other parties and the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer shall maintain a duplicate file during the course of the proceeding.
When the Presiding Officer corresponds directly with the parties, he shall file the original of the correspondence with the Hearing Clerk, maintain a copy in the duplicate file, and send a copy to all parties. Parties who correspond directly with the Presiding Officer shall in addition to serving all other parties send a copy of all such correspondence to the Hearing Clerk. A certificate of service shall accompany each document served under this subsection.
(b) Service of pleadings and documents—
(1) Service of complaint.
Service of a copy of the signed original of the complaint, together with a copy of these rules, may be made personally or by certified mail, return receipt requested, on the respondent or his representative.
Service upon a domestic or foreign corporation or upon a partnership or other unincorporated association which is subject to suit under a common name shall be made by personal service or certified mail, as prescribed by paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section, directed to an officer, partner, a managing or general agent, or to any other person authorized by appointment or by Federal or State law to receive service of process.
Service upon an officer or agency of the United States shall be made by delivering a copy of the complaint to the officer or agency, or in any manner prescribed for service by applicable regulations. If the agency is a corporation, the complaint shall be served as prescribed in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.
Service upon a State or local unit of government, or a State or local officer, agency, department, corporation or other instrumentality shall be made by serving a copy of the complaint in the manner prescribed by the law of the State for the service of process on any such persons, or
If upon a State or local unit of government, or a State or local department, agency, corporation or other instrumentality, by delivering a copy of the complaint to the chief executive officer thereof; or
If upon a State or local officer by delivering a copy to such officer.
Proof of service of the complaint shall be made by affidavit of the person making personal service, or by properly executed return receipt. Such proof of service shall be filed with the complaint immediately upon completion of service.
The first page of every pleading, letter, or other document shall contain a caption identifying the respondent and the docket number which is exhibited on the complaint.
The original of any pleading, letter, or other document (other than exhibits) shall be signed by the party filing it or by his representative. The signature constitutes a representation by the signer that he has read the pleading, letter or other document, that to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, the statements made therein are true, and that it is not interposed for delay.
The initial document filed by any person shall contain his name, address and telephone number. Any changes in this information shall be communicated promptly to the Hearing Clerk, Presiding Officer, and all parties to the proceeding. A party who fails to furnish such information and any changes thereto shall be deemed to have waived his right to notice and service under these rules.